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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata transparent

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

glazen 1. (substance applied to give) transparent coating on ceramics, glis, sepuh; 2. shiny surface or coating (on pastry etc) sadur; 3. semi-transparent coating (on painting) sepuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clear8. make transparent or not turbid, menjernihkan: the villagers use alum to ~ the well water, orang-orang kampung menggunakan tawas utk menjernihkan air perigi; 9. make free from blame, membebaskan; (oneself, o’s name) membersihkan: the tribunal ~ed him of all changes, tribunal itu membebaskannya drpd segala tuduhan; he came back to ~ his name, dia kembali utk membersihkan namanya; 10. a. give (ship, aircraft) official permission to enter or leave, memberi kebenaran (utk + approp v): after two weeks of waiting, the ship was finally ~ed, setelah menunggu selama dua minggu, kapal itu diberi kebenaran utk belayar; b. satisfy all official conditions of, lepas pemeriksaan: the car ~ed customs without any difficulty, kereta itu lepas pemeriksaan kastam tanpa sebarang kesulitan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crystaln 1. transparent, colourless, natural mineral, hablur; (as ornament) kristal: a ~ necklace, rantai kristal; 2. glass of high quality, kristal: ~ bowl, mangkuk kristal; 3. regular shape formed by substance when it solidifies, hablur: copper sulphate ~s, hablur kuprum sulfat; 4. glass covering face of watch, clock, cermin (jam).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crystaladj (liter.) transparent, jernih: the ~ waters of the lake, air tasik yg jernih;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
limpidadj 1. clear, transparent, a.(of liquid, eye) jernih, bening, hening: a shallow ~ stream, anak sungai yg cetek dan jernih; the cat’s eyes were like ~ pools, mata kucing itu spt kolam yg jernih; b. (of sky, air) bersih: sunny ~ skies, langit yg cerah dan bersih; 2. (of speech, prose) easy to understand, jelas: expressed in simple and ~ prose, disampaikan dlm bentuk prosa yg mudah dan jelas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
limpidadj 1. clear, transparent, a.(of liquid, eye) jernih, bening, hening: a shallow ~ stream, anak sungai yg cetek dan jernih; the cat’s eyes were like ~ pools, mata kucing itu spt kolam yg jernih; b. (of sky, air) bersih: sunny ~ skies, langit yg cerah dan bersih; 2. (of speech, prose) easy to understand, jelas: expressed in simple and ~ prose, disampaikan dlm bentuk prosa yg mudah dan jelas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glassn 1. hard, transparent substance, kaca: a fruit bowl made of ~, mangkuk buah-buahan yg dibuat drpd kaca; 2. st made of glass, a. (drinking vessel) gelas; b. (mirror) cermin, kaca muka; c. (barometer) barometer: the ~ is falling, barometer itu menurun; 3. contents of a glass, gelas: I’ll have another ~ of whisky, please, tolong beri saya segelas wiski lagi; 4. glassware collectively, barang(-barang) kaca: all the ~ and china has been put away, semua barang kaca dan tembikar itu telah disimpan; 5. protective cover, cermin: when he broke the ~ of the display case an alarm went off, apabila dia memecahkan cermin almari kaca itu, penggera berbunyi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clearvi 1. become transparent, not turbid, menjadi jernih: the muddy water ~ed after the rain, air yg keruh itu menjadi jernih selepas hujan; 2. become unclouded, less severe, menjadi cerah; (of fog, mist, etc) menjadi tipis; (of storm) mereda: the sky ~ed, langit menjadi cerah; 3. (of face, countenance, etc) cerah, jernih: his face ~ed when he heard the good news, air mukanya cerah apabila mendengar berita baik itu; 4. disappear, hilang: this rash will ~ in a few days, ruam ini akan hilang dlm beberapa hari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clearnessn 1. state of being transparent, not turbid, kejernihan; 2. (of eyesight) terang: ~ of vision, penglihatan yg terang; 3. state of being without blemish, kebersihan; 4. state of being unambiguous, jelasnya; 5. state of being easily heard, kejelasan, jelasnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sheer 1 adj 1. very steep, curam, terjal: the cliffs here are ~ and will be very difficult to scale, cenuram di sini curam-curam belaka dan amat sukar didaki; 2. very finely woven, (if transparent) nipis; (not transparent) halus: ~ muslin curtains, langsir muslin yg nipis; a dress of ~ silk,baju drpd jenis sutera halus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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