ambassadorial | adj duta: ~ duties, tugas-tugas duta; at the ~ level, pd peringkat duta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gubernatorial | adj (US, Nigeria, etc) gabenor: ~ duties, tugas-tugas gabenor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acquaint | vt; ~ os with, (mencuba) memahami, memaklumi: he will need time to ~ himself with his new duties, dia memerlukan masa utk memahami tugas-tugas barunya; ~ so. with st, memaklumkan sst kpd sso: to ~ so. with the facts of the case, memaklumkan fakta kes tersebut kpd sso; to ~ so. with the new methods of production, memaklumkan kaedah-kaedah baru pengeluaran kpd sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
definite | adj 1. clear, positive, pasti: a ~ answer, jawapan yg pasti; a ~ opinion, pendapat yg pasti; is it ~ that he’s leaving?, sudah pasti dia akan pergi?; 2. precise, (telah) /ditentukan, ditetapkan/: ~ duties, tugas-tugas yg telah ditentukan; at a ~ time and place, pd waktu dan tempat yg telah ditentukan; ~ instructions, arahan-arahan yg telah ditentukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heavy-duty | adj tugas berat: ~ tyres, tayar tugas berat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capacity | 4. position, role, tugas: in his official ~, dlm tugas rasminya; in (o’s) ~ as, (with intransitive verb) sebagai; (with transitive verb) kerana: he made the statement in his ~ as head of the delegation, dia membuat kenyataan itu sebagai ketua delegasi; certain privileges were granted to him in his ~ as the chairman of the bank, beberapa keistimewaan diberikan kepadanya kerana dia pengerusi bank; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
direction | 3. management, supervision, tugas /mengarahkan, mengetuai/: the ~ of the project was entrusted to him, tugas mengarahkan projek itu dipertanggungjawabkan kepadanya; under /so’s ~, the ~ of so./, di bawah arahan sso; 4. way in which st develops, arah (sst); (in a certain field) haluan: the reforms fell short of expectations but they were a step in the right ~, usaha pemulihan itu tdk spt yg dijangka tetapi merupakan langkah yg positif ke arah itu; new ~s in drama, haluan baru dlm drama; 5. guiding principle, haluan: they were without ~ in their lives, kehidupan mereka tanpa haluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invalid 1 | ~ so. out, /membebaskan, melepaskan/ sso drpd tugas tentera krn cacat: he was ~ed out of the army, dia dibebaskan drpd tugas tentera krn cacat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ beyond, a. walk, run, etc, further than, melewati, melampaui: do not ~ beyond the white line, jangan melampaui garisan putih itu; b. take action more than what is allowed, melewati, melampaui: the officer went beyond his powers by issuing those instructions, pegawai itu telah melewati kuasanya dgn mengeluarkan arahan-arahan itu; ~ beyond a joke, bukan lagi gurauan; ~ beyond /expectation, reason, etc/, di luar /jangkaan, dugaan/: the success of the experiment went beyond his dreams, kejayaan eksperimen itu adalah di luar jangkaannya; ~ beyond the call of duty, berkhidmat melampaui tugas-tugas biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assignment | n 1. task or mission assigned, tugas khas; (to college or university students etc) tugasan: his most important ~ was to cover the war in the Middle East, tugas khasnya yg paling penting ialah membuat liputan ttg peperangan di Timur Tengah; she set her students too many ~s, dia memberikan tugasan yg terlalu banyak kpd penuntutnya; 2. position, post assigned to person, jawatan: to take up an ~, mula memegang jawatan; 3. act of, a. (appointing) penugasan: his ~ to the case did not meet with universal approval, penugasannya kpd kes itu tdk mendapat persetujuan ramai; b. (allotting task, problem, etc) pemberian, penyerahan; c. (alleging st as reason, cause) mengatakan; d. (leg.) transfer of claim, right, etc, penyerahan hak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |