homing | adj 1. rel to ability to return home, balik: ~ instinct, naluri balik; 2. (of missile etc) pandu tuju: ~ device, peranti pandu tuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
homing guidance | n panduan tuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
angle of incidence | n sudut tuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incidence | n 1. extent, range of occurence or influence, sejauh mana berlakunya; (tech) insidens: to study the ~ of poverty in the rural areas, mengkaji sejauh mana berlakunya emiskinan di awasan luar bandar; ~ of taxation, insidens pencukaian; 2. rate, frequency of occurrence (esp of st undesirable) kerap berlaku: there is a high ~ of divorce in the community, perceraian kerap berlaku dlm masyarakat itu; 3. (phys) tuju: angle of ~, sudut tuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | 4. (often in pl) overture, percubaan utk /mendekati, merapati/ + approp pron: France rejected Germany’s ~es, Perancis menolak percubaan Jerman utk mendekatinya; /easy, difficult/ of ~, /mudah, susah/ /didekati, dirapati/: a man who, in spite of his rank, has always been easy of ~, walaupun berpangkat dia mudah didekati; make ~es to, mencuba /mendekati, merapati/: he made ~es to the girl, dia mencuba mendekati gadis itu; 5. means, method of doing st, pendekatan; (job, work etc) cara mengendalikan: a fresh ~ to the subject, pendekatan yg baru bagi perkara itu; the book provides an excellent ~ to the problem, buku itu memberikan pendekatan yg amat baik kpd masalah itu; his ~ to the job is all wrong, cara dia mengendalikan kerja itu semuanya salah; 6. also approach path, (aeron) lintasan tuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | n 1. act of coming nearer, a. (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp pron or n: at our ~, the intruders fled, penceroboh-penceroboh itu lari apabila kami menghampiri mereka; the ~ of the whirlwind sent people scurrying for shelter, orang-orang lari bertempiaran mencari tempat perlindungan apabila puting beliung menghampiri pelabuhan itu; b. (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of death) hampir tiba, sudah dekat: the ~ of midnight, menjelang tengah malam; 2. approximation, semblance, hampir sama: the account makes some ~ to truth, cerita itu hampir sama dgn yg sebenarnya; a fair ~ to accuracy, hampir tepat; 3. access, jalan masuk: trees line the ~ to the palace, pokok-pokok berderet di sepanjang jalan masuk ke istana; ~ road, jalan tuju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |