heartfelt | adj tulus ikhlas: I would like to express our ~ thanks for everything that you've done for the association, saya suka merakamkan ucapan terima kasih yg tulus ikhlas atas segala yg telah dilakukan utk persatuan ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart-whole | adj 1. not in love, tdk dilamun cinta; 2. not broken in spirit, tdk patah semangat; 3. sincere, tulus, ikhlas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fond | 3. indulgent, suka memanjakan (sso): a ~ mother, ibu yg suka memanjakan anaknya; 4. foolishly, naively cherished, [various translations]: the superintendent laughed at my ~ fancies, penyelia itu ketawa mendengar khayalan saya yg bodoh itu; she had a ~ belief that Mr Edwards would re-employ her, dia percaya dgn tulus hati bahawa En. Edwards akan mengambil dia bekerja kembali; it is so’s ~ /hope, wish, etc /, sso sangat /ingin + approp v, berharap/: it was her ~ wish that the two should marry, dia sangat ingin melihat or dia sangat berharap mereka berdua berkahwin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |