heel 1 | n 1. (of foot, shoe, stocking, sock) tumit: the ~ of my shoe is worn down, tumit kasut saya sudah haus; high ~s, tumit tinggi; 2. (of hand) pangkal tapak tangan; 3. (sl) contemptible person, keparat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 1 | vt 1. put heel on, memasangkan tumit pd: to ~ the boots, memasangkan tumit pd but; 2. (in rugby, football) menumit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Achilles tendon | n tendon /Achilles, tumit/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indentation | n 1. depression, lekuk: the ~s made by the heels of her shoes, lekuk yg disebabkan oleh tumit kasutnya; 2. (in leaf) gerigi; 3. deep recess (in coastline) suak; 4. space left between margin and the beginning of the first line, jarak engsot; 5. act of, a. (starting line of print etc in from the regular margin) pengengsotan; b. (making jagged) menyebabkan bergerigi; (coastline) menyebabkan bersuak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high | adj 1. of relatively great extent from bottom to top, tinggi: a ~ wall surrounded the prison, sebuah tembok yg tinggi mengelilingi penjara itu; ~ heels, tumit tinggi; a ~ cliff, tebing tinggi; 2. being of a specified height, tingginya, setinggi; (in combination) separas, setinggi: the building is forty storeys ~, bangunan itu empat puluh tingkat tingginya; the water-level is 2 metres ~, paras air setinggi 2 meter; waist - ~, separas pinggang; 3. at, from a great height, tinggi: a ~ dive, junam tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
click | vt cause to make slight short sound, mengklikkan; (heels) menghantukkan; (fingers) memetik: to ~ o’s tongue, mengklikkan lidah; the soldier ~ed his heels, askar itu menghantukkan tumit kasutnya; she ~ed her fingers in time to the drumbeats, dia memetik jarinya mengikut rentak gendang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hamper 1 | vt restrict, obstruct, a. (person’s bodily movements ), (act.) menghalang; (pass.) terhalang: tight clothes will ~ freedom of movement, pakaian yg ketat akan menghalang kebebasan bergerak; she wanted to run away but was ~ed by her high-heeled shoes, dia hendak melarikan diri tetapi terhalang oleh kasut tumit tingginya; b. (progress of journey, activity, etc ), (act.) menghambat, menggendalakan; (pass.) terhambat, tergendala: strong winds ~ed the progress of the ship, angin kencang menghambat perjalanan kapal itu; the project was ~ed by lack of funds, projek itu tergendala krn kekurangan wang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |