homeland | n native land, tanah /air, tumpah darah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chip | ~ off the old block, salin tak tumpah; have a ~ on o’s shoulder, mudah marah dan tersinggung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forefather | n (usu in pl) nenek moyang, leluhur: the land of our ~s, tanah tumpah darah nenek moyang kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | look o’s ~ on, memandang kali terakhir ke: he looked his ~ on the country of his birth, dia memandang kali terakhir ke arah negara tumpah darahnya; /till, to/ the ~, /sampai, hingga/ ke akhir; (till so’s death) sampai saat akhir: the play held our attention to the ~, drama itu telah menarik perhatian kami hingga ke akhir; she was in good spirits to the ~, beliau dlm keadaan tenang sampai saat akhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land | 6. country, nation, negeri, negara; (o’s own) tanah: the best hospital in the ~, hospital yg paling baik di negeri itu; my native ~, tanah tumpah darahku; 7. the ~, a. (used for farming) ladang: generations of his family have worked the ~, beberapa generasi drpd keluarganya telah mengerjakan ladang itu; b. (rural areas) desa, luar bandar: he loves life on the ~, dia suka akan kehidupan di luar bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
country | n 1. a. nation, negara: the countries of Europe, negara-negara Eropah; ~ of origin, negara asal; b. motherland, tanah air, tanah tumpah darah, ibu pertiwi: to die for o’s ~, berkorban utk tanah air; c. territory occupied by a particular nation, negeri, negara: only one quarter of the ~ is under cultivation, hanya satu perempat negeri itu ditanami dgn tanaman; people came from all over the ~ to pay their last respects to the dead president, orang datang dr merata-rata negeri utk memberikam penghormatan terakhir kpd mendiang president itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
image | n 1. likeness of person, thing, esp sculptured, patung; (on coin) replika: beautifully carved ~s of Buddha, patung Buddha yg diukir dgn cantiknya; 2. reflection, optical counterpart of object, a. (produced by mirror etc) bayang-bayang; (tech) imej; b. (produced by lens) imej; (on cinema, television screen, etc) gambar, imej: the ~ on the screen is blurred, gambar di layar perak itu kabur; 3. close likeness, copy, salin tak tumpah; be the (very, spitting, living) ~ of so., salin tak tumpah spt sso: she’s the spitting ~ of her grandmother, dia salin tak tumpah spt neneknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jog | give so. a ~, a. give so. a slight shake, menggoncangkan sedikit badan sso: he gave his friend a ~ to wake him up, dia menggoncangkan sedikit badan kawannya utk membangunkannya; b. give so. a slight push, menolak sedikit badan sso; give so. a ~ with o’s elbow, /menyiku, menyigung/ sso: she gave me a ~ with her elbow and made me spill my drink, dia menyiku saya dan menyebabkan minuman saya tumpah; give st a ~, menggoncangkan sedikit sst: the child gave the piggy bank a ~, kanak-kanak itu menggoncangkan sedikit tabung tersebut; /go for, proceed at, etc/ a ~, pergi berjoging; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |