demonstration | n 1. proving, pembuktian: an obvious truth that needs no ~, kebenaran yg ketara yg tdk memerlukan pembuktian; 2. display (of feelings etc) ditunjukkan: it was a ~ of his affection, itu menunjukkan kasih sayangnya; his ~ of skill amazed the spectators, apabila dia menunjukkan kemahirannya para penonton berasa takjub; 3. public display, tunjuk perasaan, demonstrasi: a peaceful ~, tunjuk perasaan secara aman; 4. illustration, explanation by practical application etc, demonstrasi, tunjuk cara: to hold a ~ of new farm implements, mengadakan satu demonstrasi alat-alat ladang yg baru; ~ class, kelas tunjuk cara; 5. proof, bukti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climax | vi 1. come to a climax, memuncak: the demonstration ~ed in a riot, tunjuk perasaan itu memuncak dgn rusuhan; 2. reach orgasm, mencapai /puncak syahwat, orgasme/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disorderly | adj 1. not orderly, tdk /teratur, tersusun/; (of place) berse(le)rak, tdk teratur: a ~ collection of books, koleksi buku yg tdk teratur; a ~ playroom, bilik permainan yg berselerak; 2. unruly, berkelakuan tdk senonoh; (of gathering, meeting, etc) tdk dapat dikawal: they were a ~ group of people, kumpulan itu berkelakuan tdk senonoh; he was arrested for being drunk and ~, dia ditangkap krn mabuk dan berkelakuan tdk senonoh; a ~ demonstration, tunjuk perasaan yg tdk dapat dikawal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |