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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[u.lung.u.lung] | اولوڠ٢

Definisi : Jk sj burung helang. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata ulung-ulung

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

accomplishedadj skilled, expert , ulung: an ~ dancer , penari yg ulung; an ~ scholar , sarjana yg ulung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
first-class2. considered to be superior, a. (in o’s profession) ulung: a ~ statesman, negarawan yg ulung; a ~ thief, pencuri yg ulung; b. (of service, food, entertainment, etc) sangat baik: the country has a ~ public transport system, negara itu mempunyai sistem pengangkutan awam yg sangat baik; a ~ current affairs programme, rancangan ehwal semasa yg sangat baik; the city has many ~ restaurants, bandar itu mempunyai restoran yg sangat baik dgn banyaknya; c. (rel to achievement) cemerlang: a ~ student, penuntut yg cemerlang; the essay you wrote last week was really ~, esei yg kamu tulis minggu lalu betul-betul cemerlang; d. (rel to character) baik betul: our neighbours are ~ people, jiran kami baik betul;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
great3. remarkable, outstanding, agung, ulung, unggul; (included in names of historically important persons) Agung: a ~ work in Malay literature, karya sastera Melayu yg agung; a ~ leader, pemimpin yg ulung; a ~ composer, penggubah lagu yg agung; a ~ statesman, negarawan yg ulung; Michelangelo was a ~ sculptor, Michelangelo ahli seni pahat yg agung; Alexander the G~, Iskandar Agung; 5. important, significant, penting: one of the ~ events of modern history, salah satu peristiwa penting dlm sejarah moden;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
greatn 1. important person, orang besar: legislation which affects the ~ and small alike, perundangan yg melibatkan orang besar mahupun orang biasa; 2. the ~s, tokoh (yg) /agung, ulung/: he is one of the ~s of Malay literature, dia salah seorang tokoh ulung dlm bidang kesusasteraan Melayu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
apostlen 1. often A~, one of twelve messengers sent forth by Christ to preach the Gospel, hawari; 2. first prominent, successful, Christian missionary in a country, mubaligh Kristian yg pertama dan ulung; 3. leader of reform, new cause, pelopor, perintis, pengasas: an ~ of socialism,pelopor sosialisme; 4. ardent supporter,penyokong kuat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
establish3. cause to be firmly settled or accepted, (act.) memantapkan kedudukan; (pass.) kedudukan [sso, sst] telah mantap: he soon ~ed himself as their leader, dlm masa yg singkat sahaja dia memantapkan kedudukannya sbg pemimpin mereka; the success of their latest model has ~ed the company as one of the world’s leading car manufacturers, kejayaan model terbaru mereka memantapkan kedudukan syarikat itu sbg salah sebuah syarikat pengeluar kereta yg ulung di dunia;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
comparevt (act.) membandingkan, membuat perbandingan antara; (pass.) dibandingkan: to ~ the first edition with the second, membandingkan edisi pertama dgn edisi kedua; the article ~d the prices of the different brands of soap powder on the market, rencana itu membandingkan harga pelbagai jenis sabun serbuk yg ada di pasaran; the writer ~d life to a Ferris wheel – continually going up and down, penulis itu membuat perbandingan antara kehidupan dgn roda Ferris – sentiasa naik dan turun; he has been ~d to several great poets, dia pernah dibandingkan dgn pensyair-pensyair ulung; ~d /to, with/, dibandingkan dgn: it is cool in here ~d to the heat outside, di sini sejuk dibandingkan dgn keadaan panas di luar; ~ notes, (colloq) bertukar-tukar /pendapat, fikiran/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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