shekel | n 1. ancient unit of weight, monetary unit of Israel, syekel; 2. (colloq), (usu in pl) money, wang ringgit: a man who is absolutely raking in the ~s, seorang lelaki yg betul-betul mengaut wang ringgit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denomination | n 1. name, nama: to be known under several ~s, dikenali dgn beberapa nama; 2. religious sect, mazhab; 3. class of unit, a. (of weight and measure) unit: metric ~, unit metrik; the smallest ~ is the inch, unit yg paling kecil ialah inci; b. (of number) unit: to reduce fractions to the same ~, mengubah pecahan kpd unit yg sama; c. (of money) jenis mata wang, peringkat nilai: dollar notes in small ~s, wang kertas dlm jenis mata wang yg kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unit | n 1. st considered as a single, complete thing, unit: the family as a self-sufficient ~ , keluarga sbg satu unit mampu diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
motorized | adj 1. equipped with motor, bermotor: ~ boat, bot bermotor; 2. (mil) dilengkapi dgn kenderaan bermotor: a ~ unit, unit yg dilengkapi dgn kenderaan bermotor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
parity | n 1. equality, kesamaan: teachers are demanding ~ of pay with lecturers, para guru menuntut kesamaan gaji dgn pensyarah; 2. (finance) unit for unit equality of two currencies, pariti, kesetaraan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swallow 1 | the whole unit was ~ed up in the twilight offensive, seluruh unit itu telah habis dikerahkan dlm pertempuran awal pagi itu; wage increases are no use if they are instantly ~ed up by rising costs, kenaikan gaji tdk berguna jika kos perbelanjaan juga meningkat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
word | n 1. unit of vocabulary, perkataan: an essay of about 3,000 ~s, sebuah esei sepanjang kira-kira 3,000 perkataan; “avion” is the French ~ for aeroplane, “avion” ialah perkataan Perancis utk kapal terbang; this ~ comes from Latin, perkataan ini berasal drpd bahasa Latin; each ~ must be clearly pronounced, setiap perkataan mesti disebut dgn jelas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ton | n 1. (unit of weight) tan: the crate weighs five ~s, tong itu beratnya lima tan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pint | n 1. unit of measurement for liquid, pain: an imperial ~, pain imperial; 2. such a capacity, pain: he drinks a ~ of milk a day, dia minum sepain susu sehari; 3. (UK), (colloq) a pint of beer, pain bir: “a ~ please”, said the man to the barmaid, “tolong beri saya sepain bir,” kata lelaki itu kpd pelayan bar wanita; he enjoys a ~ with his meal, dia suka minum sepain bir apabila makan; he had a couple of ~s with his friends, dia minum beberapa pain bir dgn kawan-kawannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ounce | n 1. (unit of weight) auns; 2. (colloq) little, sedikit: he hasn’t an ~ of sense, dia sedikit pun tdk berakal; every ~ of, segala: he used every ~ of strength he had and still could not lift the boulder, dia menggunakan segala tenaga yg ada padanya tetapi masih tdk dapat mengangkat batu tongkol itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |