close | ~ a deal, mencapai persetujuan dlm sst urus niaga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hole-and-corner | adj [various translations]: a ~ affair, hubungan sulit; the transaction was done in a ~ fashion, urus niaga itu dibuat secara bersembunyi-sembunyi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clinch | vt 1. fix firmly, mematikan: to ~ a nail, mematikan paku; 2. settle conclusively, mencapai penyelesaian; (argument) mengunci: he was able to ~ the deal, dia berjaya mencapai penyelesaian dlm urus niaga itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | drp sso: we must ~ the truth out of him, kita mesti mendapatkan perkara yg sebenar daripadanya; try as they did, they could not ~ a confession out of her, walaupun mereka betul-betul mencuba, mereka gagal mendapatkan pengakuan daripadanya; c. gain or receive st valuable from, mendapat sst drpd: she only got a small profit out of the deal, dia hanya mendapat keuntungan yg kecil drpd urus niaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
business | n 1. buying and selling, commerce or trade, commercial activity, perniagaan: this is the ~ centre of the city, inilah pusat perniagaan bandar raya itu; his ~ is doing very well, perniagaannya maju; the hair dressing ~, perniagaan mendandan rambut; 2. (economic or commercial) transactions or dealings, urus niaga, urusan perniagaan; 3. commercial establishment, firm, (syarikat) perniagaan: he has closed down his ~, dia sudah menutup syarikat perniagaannya; 4. volume of commercial activity or transactions, perniagaan: ~ is usually poor in the rainy season, perniagaan biasanya kurang baik dlm musim hujan; 5. occupation, profession, trade, pekerjaan: his ~ is cattle farming, pekerjaannya berternak lembu; 6. particular field of endeavour, (bidang) kegiatan: he is the best in the ~, dia yg paling cekap dlm bidang kegiatan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conclude | 3. (esp US) decide, memutuskan, membuat keputusan: he ~d that he would go after all, dia membuat keputusan bahawa dia akan pergi jua; 4. arrange and settle, a. (agreement, treaty, etc) mengikat: the two countries had ~d a peace treaty, dua negara tersebut telah mengikat perjanjian keamanan; b. (sale, deal, negotiation, etc) mencapai persetujuan dlm: to ~ an arms deal with the rebel forces, mencapai persetujuan dlm urus niaga persenjataan dgn pasukan pemberontak; c. (alliance) membentuk; d. (compromise) mencapai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | b. (of people) mengosongkan: the judge ordered the court to be ~ed, hakim mengarahkan supaya mahkamah dikosongkan; c. (from confused thoughts) melapangkan, melegakan: as our thoughts were becoming muddled, he suggested that we take a break to ~ our heads, disebabkan fikiran kami mula bercelaru, dia mencadangkan supaya kami berehat sebentar utk melapangkan fikiran; 5. remove blemish from, membersihkan: the vitamin will help ~ your skin of pimples, vitamin itu dapat membantu membersihkan kulit mukamu drpd jerawat; 6. finish dealing with, (work) menghabiskan, menyelesaikan, membuat; (problem) menyelesaikan: can you ~ all this work before you go?, bolehkah kamu menghabiskan kesemua kerja ini sebelum kamu pergi?; 7. make as net gain or profit, mendapat .... bersih: they ~ed $10,000 on the deal, mereka mendapat $10,000 bersih dlm urus niaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
business | ~ as usual, /keadaan, segala-galanya/ spt biasa; ~ is ~, (urusan) perniagaan tetap (urusan) perniagaan; do ~, berurus niaga, mengadakan urusan perniagaan; get down to ~, memulakan [sst] dgn sungguh-sungguh; go about your ~, urus hal (kamu) sendiri; go out of ~, menggulung tikar: several sundry shops went out of ~ with the opening of the two new, big supermarkets, beberapa buah kedai runcit menggulung tikar apabila dua pasar raya yg baru itu dibuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |