invent | n 1. new creation, ciptaan, rekaan: the vacuum cleaner was a useful ~, pembersih vakum ialah ciptaan yg amat berguna; 2. st made up, rekaan: the story is pure ~; don’t believe a word of it!, cerita itu rekaannya semata-mata; jangan percaya sepatah pun kata-katanya!; 3. act of inventing, penciptaan, terciptanya, mencipta, merekacipta, mereka: the ~ of the motor car revolutionized transport, penciptaan kereta telah merevolusikan pengangkutan; a gadget of his own ~, alat yg diciptanya sendiri; 4. talent for inventing things, daya cipta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hypothesize, hypothesise | vt membuat hipotesis (bahawa): if we ~ the existence of a vacuum ..., jika kita membuat hipotesis bahawa wujudnya vakum.... | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cleaner | n 1. person who cleans, pencuci, tukang cuci; 2. device for cleaning, pencuci: vacuum ~, pembersih vakum; 3. substance for cleaning, bahan /pencuci, pembersih/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attach | vt 1. fasten, fix, a. (gen) memasang: to ~ the brackets to the wall, memasang pendakap pd dinding; the hose can be ~ed to the vacuum cleaner, hos itu dapat dipasangkan pd pembersih vakum; b. (by gluing) menggamkan; c. (by sticking on) melekatkan, menampalkan, menempelkan, merekatkan: he ~ed a label to the parcel, dia melekatkan label pd bungkusan itu; d. (by tying) mengikatkan: a price tag has to be ~ed to every dress, tanda harga mesti diikatkan pd setiap baju; e. (by connecting) menyambungkan: the wires that were ~ed to the battery, wayar-wayar yg disambungkan pd bateri; f. (by joining) mencantumkan; (bones) bersendi: when you ~ the skirt to the bodice..., apabila kamu mencantumkan skirt pd badan baju...; the femur is ~ed to the pelvis, tulang femur bersendi dgn tulang pelvis; g. (by appending, annexing) melampirkan, mengepilkan, mengembarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empty | vt 1. remove contents of, mengosongkan: he emptied his pockets of their contents, dia mengosongkan poketnya; 2. transfer (contents of one thing into another) membuang, mengeluarkan: she emptied the dust from the vacuum cleaner into the rubbish bin, dia membuang habuk dr penyedut vakum itu ke dlm tong sampah; he emptied sand from his shoes, dia membuang pasir dr kasutnya; 3. unburden, meluahkan, mencurahkan: he wanted to ~ his heart to her, dia ingin meluahkan perasaan hatinya kpd wanita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |