bow2 | vt1. make (st) into a curve, melengkungkan, menyebabkan [sst] melengkung; 2. use the bow on (violin etc), menggesek [violin dll]. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fiddlestick | n violin bow, penggesek (biola). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jar2 | ~ on so’s ears, menyakitkan telinga sso: the sound of the untuned violin ~red on his ears, bunyi biola yg belum ditiun itu menyakitkan telinganya; ~ on /so., so’s nerves/, menjengkelkan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
case 2 | n 1. outer protective layer, kulit: seed ~, kulit biji; 2. close-fitting cover, sarung: spectacle - ~, sarung cermin mata; pillow ~, sarung bantal; 3. box, kotak: packing ~, kotak (simpan) barang; two ~s of wine, dua kotak wain; 4. chest, peti; 5. suitcase, beg; 6. container, a. (gen) bekas: jewel ~, bekas barang kemas; b. (for cigarettes) celepa; c. (for violin, guitar, etc) peti; 7. also glass case, almari kaca; 8. (printing) petak (atur huruf); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bridge1 | n 1. structure a. (over river, canal, road, etc) jambatan; b. (over small stream, drain, etc) titi(an): a plank is used as a ~ over the stream, sekeping papan digunakan sbg titi utk menyeberangi anak sungai itu; 2. connecting agent, link, perantara, penghubung, jambatan: he served as a ~ between the government and the people, beliau merupakan penghubung antara kerajaan dgn rakyat; 3. bridge of the nose, batang hidung; 4. (of stringed instruments) kekuda: the ~ of a violin, kekuda biola; 5. (naut), /anjung-anjung, anjungan/ (kapal); 6. see BRIDGE PASSAGE; 7. (dentistry) jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow2 | n 1. weapon for shooting arrows, busur, ibu panah: to draw the ~, menarik busur; ~ and arrow, panah; 2. archer, pemanah; 3. st curved or arc-shaped, lengkungan; 4. knot made with loop (s) simpul(an); tie st into a ~, menyimpulkan sst: she tied the shoe-laces into a ~, dia menyimpulkan tali kasut itu; 5. ribbon etc so tied, reben: she put a ~ in her hair, dia membubuh reben pd rambutnya; 6. a. rod used for playing the violin etc, penggesek; b. stroke with such a rod, gesekan; 7. see BOW-TIE; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | n 1. (in pl) insides, isi perut; 2. (anat) intestine, usus; 3. ( in pl), (colloq) bowels or intestines, perut: I got a terrible pain in my ~s, perut saya sakit betul; 4. (in pl), (colloq) inside parts of (machine, building, etc) isi perut: the ~s of the computer, isi perut komputer; 5. (in pl), (colloq) berani: he doesn’t have the ~s to fight us, dia tak berani melawan kita; 6. (colloq) stomach esp when it sticks out, perut (buncit): his huge beer ~, perutnya yg buncit krn banyak minum bir; 7. also greedy guts (in pl), (colloq) glutton, pelahap; 8. string made from intestines of an animal (used for violin, tennis racket, etc) gat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |