first | adv 1. before others, (yg) pertama: George recovered ~, Georgelah yg pertama sembuh; 2. before doing something else, (at beginning of sentence) pertama, lebih /dahulu, dulu/; (elsewhere in sentence), (lebih) /dahulu, dulu/: ~, I would like to discuss Safiah’s proposal, lebih dahulu saya ingin membincangkan syor Safiah; ~ you must renew your passport and then you must apply for a visa, pertama, encik mesti membarui pasport encik dan kemudian encik mesti memohon visa; I want to go to France next month but I’ll have to apply for a visa ~, saya ingin ke negeri Perancis bulan hadapan tetapi saya mesti memohon visa dahulu; let me finish my cigarette ~ and then we can go, biar saya habiskan rokok ini dulu dan selepas itu kita pergi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entry | n 1. coming in, arrival, masuk: his abrupt ~ into the room surprised them, mereka terperanjat apabila dia masuk dgn tiba-tiba ke dlm bilik itu; force an ~ , memecah masuk; 2. right of entering, masuk: he protested vehemently when he was refused ~ to the building, dia membantah dgn keras apabila dia tdk dibenarkan masuk ke bangunan itu; can’t you read the sign? It says “No E~”, kamu tak boleh membaca papan tanda itu? Di situ tertulis “Dilarang Masuk”; ~ visa, visa masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expire | vi 1. (liter.) die, meninggal (dunia): the old man ~d during the night, lelaki tua itu menghembuskan nafas terakhir pd waktu malam; 2. come to an end, /tamat, habis/ tempohnya; (colloq) mati: your visa ~s next week, visa tuan akan tamat tempohnya minggu depan; his second term as president has almost ~d, penggal kedua sbg presiden telah hampir tamat tempohnya; I can’t drive you to school. My driving licence has ~d, saya tak dapat menghantar kamu ke sekolah. Lesen memandu saya sudah mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |