emergency | adj 1. used in state of danger, kecemasan: ~ brake, brek kecemasan; ~ exit, pintu kecemasan; ~ landing, pendaratan kecemasan; ~ ward, wad kecemasan; 2. (polit) darurat: ~ powers, kuasa darurat; ~ regulations, undang-undang darurat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
casualty | n 1. person(s) injured or killed, (orang) yg terbunuh atau (ter)cedera; (attrib) kecederaan: there were 15 casualties in the train accident, 15 orang terbunuh atau cedera dlm kemalangan kereta api itu; ~ ward, wad kecederaan; 2. (in war) korban perang; ~ list, daftar korban perang; 3. loss in numerical strength, kerugian: both sides sustained heavy casualties, kedua-dua belah pihak menanggung kerugian besar; 4. accident, disaster, nahas: the typhoon was responsible for many casualties at sea, taufan itu menyebabkan beberapa banyak nahas di laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contagious | adj 1. (of disease) communicable, berjangkit; 2. (of person) boleh menjangkitkan penyakit; (attrib) penyakit berjangkit: although he appears to be on the mend he is still ~, walaupun dia kelihatan beransur sembuh, dia masih boleh menjangkitkan penyakitnya; a ward for ~ patients, wad utk pesakit penyakit berjangkit; 3. (fig.) infectious, berjangkit-jangkit: her laughter was ~, ketawanya berjangkit-jangkit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolation | n 1. state of being, a. (cut off from other people, places, etc) keterasingan: the ~ of city life, keterasingan hidup di kota ; b. (alone, lonely) kesepian, kesunyian, (keadaan) /terasing, terpencil/: unwed mothers who live a miserable life in ~, ibu-ibu yg tdk berkahwin yg hidup dlm kesedihan dan kesepian; 2. act, process of, a. (causing so. to be cut of from others because of disease) pengasingan: ~ is the only method of controlling the spread of the disease, pengasingan ialah satu-satunya cara utk mengawal merebaknya penyakit tersebut; ~ ward, wad pengasingan; b. (alienating) pemulauan; c. (separating from other substances) mengasingkan: the ~ of a cancer cell, pengasingan sel kanser; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |