estate car | n (UK) station wagon. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
caisson | n 1. ammunition chest, peti amunisi; 2. ammunition wagon, kenderaan amunisi; 3. large water-tight enclosure used when doing work under water, kaison. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fork | vt use fork, a. (to put it somewhere) mencampakkan (sst) dgn pencucuk: he ~ed the corn sheaves onto the wagon, dia mencampakkan berkas-berkas jerami dgn pencucuk ke atas trak; b. (to break ground), /menggemburkan, membalik-balikkan/ dgn penggembur: he ~ed the rose bed yesterday, dia membalik-balikkan batas pokok mawar itu dgn penggembur semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goods | n 1. movable personal property, barang-barang; 2. merchandise, barang(-barang): leather ~, barang-barang kulit; ~ on consignment, barang dlm konsainan; 3. (attrib) freight, barang: ~ train, kereta api barang; ~ wagon, gerabak barang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
empty | adj 1. containing nothing, kosong: there are several ~ boxes outside, ada beberapa kotak kosong di luar; my purse is ~, beg duit saya kosong; 2. destitute of people or human activity, lengang: the street was ~ at night, jalan itu lengang pd waktu malam; 3. carrying no load, passengers, etc, kosong: an ~ wagon, gerabak kosong; 4. vacant, unoccupied, kosong: the house has been ~ for six months, rumah itu telah kosong selama enam bulan;5. without effect, force, significance, kosong; (of pleasure) tanpa /erti, makna/: ~ promises, janji-janji kosong; an ~ dream, impian kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |