condensation | n 1. act of condensing, pemeluwapan, pengkondensasian: the ~ of steam to water, pemeluwapan wap menjadi air; 2. condensed material, wap: there was ~ on the windows, terdapat wap di tingkap itu; 3. abridgement, peringkasan: the ~ of one year’s research into a short article, peringkasan hasil penyelidikan yg dibuat selama setahun ke dlm bentuk makalah yg pendek. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condense | vi memeluwap: steam ~s into water droplets, wap itu memeluwap menjadi titik-titik air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascent | n 1. act of, a. (rising) naiknya (ke udara): the plane’s rapid ~, naiknya kapal terbang itu ke udara dgn derasnya; the ~ of vapours from the swamp, naiknya wap ke udara dr paya; b. (climbing) pendakian, mendaki, memanjat, menaiki; (of steps etc) menaiki, memanjat: the ~ of Everest, pendakian Gunung Everest; c. (going upstream) memudiki: they began the ~ of the Rajang before daybreak, mereka mula memudiki Sungai Rajang sebelum mata hari terbit; d. (rising in rank, level, degree, etc) peningkatan: his ~ from waiter to manager, peningkatannya drpd pelayan menjadi pengurus; 2. way by which one ascends, jalan naik, (pen)dakian: the ~ is steep and slippery, jalan naik itu curam dan licin; 3. degree of elevation, gradient, kecerunan: the road has an ~ of five degrees, kecerunan jalan itu lima darjah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
form | vi 1. come into existence, develop, (as process) membentuk; (as event) terbentuk: stalactites and stalagmites ~ed over the centuries, stalaktit dan stalagmit membentuk sejak dr beratus-ratus tahun; steam ~s when water is heated, wap terbentuk apabila air dipanaskan; clouds ~ over the mountain tops, awan terbentuk di atas puncak gunung; 2. take shape, membentuk: the idea was ~ing in his mind, gagasan itu sedang membentuk dlm fikirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forerunner | n 1. predecessor, a. (person) pelopor, perintis: the story-teller of old is the ~ of the modern novelist, penglipur lara masa lampau ialah pelopor novelis moden; b. (thing) perintis: the steam engine is the ~ of today’s fast locomotives, enjin wap ialah perintis lokomotif laju hari ini; 2. sign, symptom, alamat, tanda-tanda: the ~s of approaching spring, tanda-tanda musim bunga yg akan tiba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloud | vi 1. also ~ over, become overcast, a. menjadi mendung: the sky ~ed over, langit menjadi mendung; b. (fig.), (menjadi) keruh: his face ~ed with anger, mukanya keruh krn marah; 2. also ~ over, become misty, menjadi kabur: the windows have ~d over due to the steam, tingkap-tingkap menjadi kabur disebabkan wap; her eyes ~ with tears, matanya menjadi kabur digenangi air mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
formation | n 1. act of, a. (being formed) terbentuknya: the ~ of clouds, terbentuknya awan; b. (establishing) penubuhan, pembentukan: he was responsible for the ~ of the union, dia bertanggungjawab thdp pembentukan kesatuan itu; c. (developing) pembentukan: discipline is important in the ~ of character, disiplin adalah penting dlm pembentukan watak; 2. thing formed, bentukan: a new word ~, bentukan kata baru; clouds are ~s of condensed water vapour, awan ialah bentukan wap air yg terpeluwap; 3. (mil) formasi: the ships were in battle ~, kapal-kapal itu berada dlm formasi pertempuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dim | vt 1. cause to lose brightness, (lit. & fig.) memalapkan, menyuramkan, mengelamkan: they ~med the lights when the dancing started, mereka memalapkan lampu apabila tari-menari dimulakan; the passing years could not ~ his love, masa yg berlalu tdk dapat memalapkan cintanya; 2. outshine, (act.) menjadikan kurang terang; (pass.) menjadi kurang terang: the candlelight was ~d by the sunlight, cahaya lilin menjadi kurang terang dgn adanya cahaya matahari; 3. cause to become faint, obscure, menyamarkan, mengaburkan, menjadikan tdk jelas; 4. blur, mengaburkan, menjadikan tdk jelas: steam from the kettle ~med the mirror, wap drpd cerek mengaburkan cermin itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |