dripping | adj 1. thoroughly wet, basah /lencun, kuyup/: she was absolutely ~, dia basah lencun; ~ wet, basah /lencun, kuyup/; 2. leaking, bocor: a ~ tap, paip bocor; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dewy | adj 1. wet with dew, berembun: a ~ night, malam yg berembun; 2. wet as if with dew, kelihatan lembap: ~ complexion, kulit muka yg kelihatan lembap | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ford | vt mengharung(i): he got wet to the waist when ~ing the river, dia basah hingga ke pinggang semasa mengharung sungai itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drench | vt (usu pass.) make thoroughly wet, (person, animal), (basah) /kuyup, lencun/; (clothes, shoes, etc) lencun; (ground, field, etc) lencun: we were completely ~ed by the time we reached the house, kami basah kuyup apabila sampai di rumah; the ground was ~ed after the heavy downpour, tanah di situ lencun selepas hujan turun mencurah-curah; be ~ed to the skin, basah /kuyup, lencun/; get ~ed, basah /kuyup, lencun/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
else | or ~, kalau tdk: run home or ~ you’ll get wet, pulang, kalau tdk kamu basah nanti; he must be drunk, or ~ he’s mad, kalau dia tdk mabuk, tentu dia gila; either the book is here or ~ it is lost, buku itu ada di sini, kalau tidak buku itu sudah hilang; or ~ ...!, (as a threat) kalau tdk, /nanti, awas, jaga/.... | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dryness | n 1. condition of being not damp or wet, kekeringan; 2. (of weather, period of time, place) kekeringan, kering; 3. (of mouth, throat) kekeringan; 4. wryness, kebersahajaan, (secara) bersahaja; 5. quality of being unemotional, cold, kehambaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gloss 1 | n 1. lustre, sheen, kilat, berkilat: continual wiping with a wet cloth will take the ~ off the table, selalu mengesat dgn kain basah akan menghilangkan kilat meja itu; her hair has a healthy ~, rambutnya sihat dan berkilat; high ~, /sangat, amat/ berkilat: the brassware has been polished to a high ~, barang logam itu telah digilap sehingga menjadi amat berkilat; 2. deceptive, superficial appearance, topeng: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | vi 1. become dry, mengering, (menjadi) kering: if you stand by the fire your wet clothes will soon ~, jika kamu berdiri di tepi perapian, dlm masa yg sekejap sahaja pakaian kamu yg basah itu akan kering; she hung the washing out to ~, dia menjemur cucian supaya kering; 2. wipe dishes etc, mengelap pinggan: I’ll wash up and you two can ~, saya mencuci pinggan dan kamu berdua boleh mengelapnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cleave | ~ to, (liter. or old use) a. stick fast to, melekat pd: the wet T-shirt ~d to her skin, kemeja-T yg basah itu melekat pd badannya; b. remain faithful to, setia pd: members of the disbanded party still ~d to its political principles, ahli parti yg telah dibubarkan itu masih setia pd prinsip-prinsip politik parti tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dock1 | n 1. enclosed part in harbour where ships are repaired etc, dok: wet ~, dok basah; 2. dockyard limbungan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |