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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : huruf ke-24 abjad Rumi. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : huruf ke-24 abjad Rumi. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata x

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

equalvt 1. be equal to, sama dgn: two plus two ~s four, dua campur dua sama dgn empat; let x ~ y, katakan x sama dgn y; their expenditure on defence ~s our total budget, perbelanjaan pertahanan mereka sama dgn jumlah belanjawan kami; 2. do st equal to, menyamai: he has ~led the world record in the 400 metres race, dia telah menyamai rekod dunia dlm lumba lari 400 meter.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
comprehensionx; (of mind) luas; (of insurance policy) komprehensif: a ~ dictionary, kamus yg komprehensif; a ~ survey, kaji selidik yg menyeluruh; a man with a ~ mind, seorang yg berfikiran luas; 2. (UK), (of school, educational system) komprehensif.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cross-stitchn 1. stitch in shape of X, jahit suji bilang; 2. embroidery using such stitch, jahitan suji bilang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
irradiatevt 1. (tech) treat or subject (tumour, food, people, etc) to X-rays, ultra-violet rays, radioactivity, etc, menyinari: the food was ~d in order to make it last longer, makanan itu disinari supaya tahan lebih lama; 2. cause to light up, menyerikan, menyebabkan [sst] kelihatan berseri: a joyful smile ~d her face, senyuman gembira menyerikan wajahnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
findc. get, mencari: true friends are hard to ~, kawan sejati sukar dicari; we must ~ a suitable candidate, kita mesti mencari calon yg sesuai; ~ yourself a seat, carilah tempat duduk; d. search for until discovered, mencari [sso, sst] (sampai dapat): I don’t care how you do it, just ~ the girl, saya tdk peduli bagaimana kamu melakukannya, cari gadis itu sampai dapat; ~ the value of x, cari nilai x; help your brother ~ the cat, tolong abangmu mencari kucing itu; e. undertake to seek, (st for so.) mencari; (someone something) mencarikan: if you let me know when you’re coming, I’ll ~ accommodation for you, jika kamu memberitahu bila kamu akan datang, saya akan mencari penginapan utk kamu; my aunts spend most of their time trying to ~ me a wife, emak-emak saudara saya menghabiskan kebanyakan masa mereka mencuba mencarikan saya isteri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
denotevt 1. indicate, menandakan: a falling barometer ~s an approaching storm, penunjuk barometer yg menurun menandakan ribut akan melanda; 2. be a symbol of, melambangkan: x” ~s an unknown quantity, melambangkan kuantiti yg tdk diketahui; 3. mean, bererti, mempunyai makna: “mono” may ~ “one” or “single”, “mono” boleh bererti “satu” atau “tunggal”.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antithesisn 1. direct opposite, sst yg /bertentangan, berlawanan/: rhyme is sometimes taken as the ~ of reason, puisi kadangkala dianggap sbg sst yg bertentangan dgn logik; 2. contrast, bertentangan; 3.x (rhet) antitesis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crossadj angry, marah: his father is ~ with him, ayahnya marah padanya; give so. a ~ look, memandang sso dgn marah; have ~ words with so., bertengkar dgn sso; n 1. upright post with a bar intersecting it near the top, salib: a martyr who died on the ~, seorang martir yg mati di atas salib; 2. symbol of the Christian faith, salib; (on a chain), (loket) salib: she wore a gold ~ around her neck, dia memakai salib emas di lehernya; 3. also sign of the ~, tanda salib: to make the sign of the ~, membuat isyarat tanda salib; 4. cross-shaped mark, (tanda) palang; (in the form of an ‘X) tanda pangkah: a blue ~ on a white background, palang biru berlatarbelakangkan warna putih; there were more ~es than ticks on his examination paper, terdapat lebih banyak tanda pangkah drpd tanda rait pd kertas peperiksaannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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