indeed | 6. (used interrogatively) really, is it so, betul, ya: “They spoke about you” “I~?”, “Mereka bercakap ttg kamu” “Betul?”; “He thinks he’s handsome” – “Does he, ~?”, “Dia fikir dia kacak” – “Ya?”; 7. (used to express irony, surprise, etc) ya: “Who is that young man over there?” – “Who is he ~?”, “Siapa pemuda itu?”– “Siapa, ya?”; 8. (used as interjection expressing irony, surprise, etc) ya: “Why is he here?” “Why ~!”, “Mengapa dia ada di sini?” “Mengapa, ya?”; if ~, kalau pun: I haven’t got the book now, if ~ I ever had it, buku itu tdk ada pd saya sekarang, kalau pun saya pernah ada buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
god | G~ damn you, haram jadah, celaka kamu; G~ help so., Tuhan melindungi sso; G~’s gift to women, jantan nombor satu di dunia: he thinks he is G~’s gift to women, dia fikir dia jantan nombor satu di dunia; G~ willing, jika dizinkan Tuhan; (in Islam) Insya-Allah, jika diizinkan Allah; by G~, (colloq) Ya Tuhan, Ya Rabbi; for G~’s sake, tolonglah; good G~, my G~, oh G~, G~ in Heaven, Ya Tuhan; (in Islam) Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi; /how, what, why/ in G~’s name, [not translated]: why in G~’s name didn’t you go to the police?, kenapalah kamu tdk pergi pd polis?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affirmative | n bersetuju: the majority voted in the ~, majoriti mengundi bersetuju; answer in the ~, menjawab "ya"; (showing agreement) bersetuju, menjawab "ya". | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eh | interj 1. (colloq) pardon, apa!; 2. (inviting agreement) ya, kan: we better go now, ~?, lebih baik kita pergi sekarang, ya?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apropos | adv 1. at an opportune time, /tepat pd, kena pd/ /waktunya, masanya/; 2. by the way, o ya: ~ did he mention when he will be going on leave?, o ya, adakah dia menyebut bila dia akan bercuti?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Jacob | n Nabi Yaakub [Ya’qub]. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ay, aye | adv (archaic & dial) ya; ~, ~, sir!, baik tuan!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incidentally | adv 1. by chance, secara kebetulan: the subject was ~ mentioned during the conversation, perkara itu disentuh secara kebetulan semasa perbualan tersebut; 2. by the way, oh ya: ~, don’t forget to bring the book, oh ya, jangan lupa bawa buku itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flatly | adv 1. monotonously, secara mendatar: “I see,” he said ~, “Ya?” katanya secara mendatar; 2. firmly, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: she ~ refused to accept my cheque, dia menolak cek saya bulat-bulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | “did he write to you when he was in the States?” “Yes, he did,” “adakah dia menulis surat kpd kamu semasa dia di Amerika?”, “Ya, ada”; “did he come?” “He didn’t,” “adakah dia datang?” “Tidak”; 6. (to make question tags) bukan, kan: you don’t know him ~ you?, awak tak kenal dia, kan?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |