Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : vt 1. construct a floor in, melantai: they have ~ed the rooms with teak, mereka telah melantai bilik-bilik itu dgn kayu jati; 2. knock to the floor, menumbangkan, menjatuhkan, merebahkan: he ~ed his opponent with one blow, dia menumbangkan lawannya dgn satu tumbukan; 3. (colloq) bewilder, (act.) membingungkan; (pass.) bingung, kebingungan: the question ~ed him, pertanyaan itu membingungkannya; I’m completely ~ed, saya betul-betul bingung; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : the ~, (Parl) ahli-ahli Dewan; (otherwise) para hadirin: are there any questions from the ~?, ada soalan drpd para hadirin?; the ~ is yours, saudara boleh bercakap sekarang; cross the ~, menyebelahi pihak lawan; have the ~, telah diberi izin utk berucap; be given the ~, diberi izin utk berucap; hold the ~, bercakap terus-menerus: once Sofia started talking about clothes, she held the ~ for more than an hour and no one could stop her, apabila Sofia mula bercakap ttg pakaian, dia bercakap terus-menerus selama satu jam lebih, dan tdk ada sesiapa pun yg dapat membuat dia berhenti; on the ~ of the House, di dlm Dewan; take the ~, a. begin dancing, mula menari; b. start speaking in a debate, mula berucap; wipe the ~ with so., (colloq) menumpaskan sso; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. lower surface of room, bridge, vehicle, etc, lantai: the ~s are of marble, lantainya dibuat drpd marmar; the ~ of my jeep is rusty, lantai jip saya berkarat; 2. bottom surface of, (cave, forest) lantai; (river, lake, valley, etc) dasar: the ocean ~, dasar lautan; 3. storey of a building, tingkat, lantai: the building has three ~s, bangunan itu tiga tingkat; on the first ~, (UK) di tingkat pertama; (US) di tingkat bawah; 4. dance floor, tempat menari: there is nobody left on the ~, tdk ada lagi orang di tempat menari; 5. (of stock exchange) ruang niaga; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata floor


JudulPenerbitKeluaranTahun TerbitISBN
T. Pinkies Floor: a nostalgic playInstitut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia BerhadTiada2010978-983-068-472-7
T. Pinkie's floorDewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Terbitan)Tiada2003983-62-7697-1
Jasmines on the 4th floorAlaf 21 Sdn BhdTiada20089789831243367

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