User's guide | [t.p] | Tiada | 1984 | |
Advance user's guide to the Apricot business computer | Lingkar Pena Kreativa | Tiada | 1986 | 0434917443 |
Power user's guide to hard disk management | [t.p] | Tiada | 1987 | 9971-84-804-X |
A user's guide to copyright | Butterworth | Tiada | 1985 | 0406200742 |
IDAMS user manual for micro and mainframe computers | UNESCO | Tiada | | |
A user's guide to copyright | Butterworths | Tiada | 2000 | 0-406-91498-2 |
A user's guide to copyright | Butterworth Heinemann | Tiada | 2000 | 0-406-91498-2 |
Aldus pagemaker: user manual | [t.p] | Tiada | 1993 | 1-56026-172-2 |
Armour Wnpro32 user manual | | Tiada | 1996 | |
The end-user revolution : CD-ROM, internet and the changing role of | Aslib | Tiada | | |