Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : break off an ~, menghentikan pertempuran; /bring an, take/ ~ against so., mengambil tindakan undang-undang thdp sso; go into ~, mula bertempur; /be, go/ out of ~, a. not in operation, rosak; b. unfit for work, tdk dapat /bekerja, bertugas/: after the accident he was out of ~ for three weeks, selepas kemalangan itu dia tdk dapat bekerja selama tiga minggu; put (st) into ~, menjalankan sst: to put a plan into ~, menjalankan rancangan; put (st) out of ~, menyebabkan sst rosak; take ~, mengambil tindakan, bertindak: the government took ~ to control the price of petrol, kerajaan mengambil tindakan utk mengawal harga petrol. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. process or state of acting, tindakan, bertindak: an emergency that requires immediate ~, keadaan cemas yg memerlukan tindakan segera; freedom of ~, kebebasan bertindak; a man of ~, orang yg banyak bertindak; 2. act, deed, tindakan, perbuatan: to judge a man by his ~s, menilai sso drpd tindakannya; 3. movement, gerak-geri: the suspect’s every ~ was closely watched, setiap gerak-geri orang yg disyaki itu diawasi dgn teliti; 4. operation, cara [sst] berfungsi, jalannya: describe the ~ of a gear, huraikan cara gear berfungsi; 5. effect, tindakan: the ~ of acid on metal, tindakan asid atas logam; 6. (in a play, film, etc) aksi: a film full of ~, filem yg penuh aksi; 7. legal proceeding, tindakan (undang-undang): civil ~, tindakan sivil; 8. combat, pertempuran: killed in ~, terbunuh dlm pertempuran; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata action

Artikel Akhbar

Action against deejays who dont complyHamidah AtanNew Straits Times18.04.1996
Action against vandals of 'love bahasa' signsTiadaBorneo Mail19.01.1989
Timely action by policeTunku Abdul RahmanStar27.10.1986
Court action as last resort , says Semangat-Daily Ekspress06.02.1993
Some action at last after the buzzingKee Thuan ChyeNew Sunday Times13.07.1980
Azizi finds action in fictionIntan Maizura Ahmad KamalNew Straits Times21.09.2008
Roll, Camera, Action jadi rujukan pelajarEllyna AliHarian Metro13.11.2006
Where the action isSarimah OthmanSunday Star04.10.1990
Samad's action deserves supportAhmad Aris EckhardtNew Straits Times21.11.1989
Doublethink in actionDoder, DuskoStar05.02.1984

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