Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : vt 1. mark with coloured pen, menanda(i) dgn pen penyerlah: the whole paragraph was ~ed, seluruh perenggan itu ditandai dgn pen penyerlah; 2. (in make-up, hair-styling) menyerlahkan: luminous eye-shadow to ~ the eyes, pembayang mata yg berkilau-kilau utk menyerlahkan mata; 3. emphasize, menekankan, menonjolkan: this article ~s the problem of unemployment, makalah ini menekankan masalah pengangguran. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. (photog, painting, etc) bahagian yg terang; 2. (fig.) most interesting or important part, acara kemuncak; (of TV programmes, football match, etc) sorotan penting: the ~ of the evening, acara kemuncak pd petang ini; the ~s of the finals will be aired tonight, sorotan penting pertandingan akhir akan disiarkan malam ini; 3. (in pl) tinted or bleached portion of hair, penyerlah; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata highlight

Artikel Akhbar

Highlight positive values, poets urgedTiadaNew Straits Times27.10.1990
Asean forum highlight of conventionTiadaMalay Mail07.11.1980
Novel festive highlightTiadaMalay Mail08.07.1986
Pak Lah's poem to be the highlight of recital at AngkasapuriAkhbar:  The Star02.09.2004

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