Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : 5. extremely bright or deep, a. (of colour) terang, [or various translations]: the sea was an ~ blue, laut berwarna biru terang; ~ red, merah terang or merah menyala; b. (of light), /terlalu, sangat/ terang; (of sunlight) panas terik: the ~, white light hurt her eyes, cahaya lampu yg terlalu terang itu menyakitkan matanya; 6. (of activity etc) serious, concentrated, hebat; (of lecture, study) intensif: ~ competition between rival companies, persaingan hebat antara syarikat yg bersaing; an ~ debate, perdebatan hebat. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 3. (of person) having feelings that are deep and forceful, penuh perasaan; (about st) terlalu serius: a serious, ~ young man, anak muda yg serius dan penuh perasaan; she is too ~ about the whole thing, dia terlalu serius ttg perkara itu; 4. showing feelings that are deep and forceful, penuh perasaan: his style is ~ and dramatic, gaya penulisannya penuh perasaan serta dramatik; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : d. (of effort etc) gigih: an undertaking which requires ~ effort, kerja yg memerlukan usaha yg gigih; 2. very strongly, deeply felt, amat sangat, amat, sangat; (of conviction) sangat mendalam: ~ hatred, kebencian yg amat sangat; ~ interest, sangat berminat; when I saw the ~ anxiety on his face I realised just how affected he was by the incident, apabila saya nampak rasa bimbang yg amat sangat pd wajahnya, barulah saya sedar betapa peristiwa itu meninggalkan kesan thdp dirinya; a man of ~ political convictions, lelaki yg mempunyai pendirian politik yg sangat mendalam; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : adj 1. great, extreme in degree, amount, strength, etc, a. (rel to weather condition) terlalu: she tossed and turned the whole night because of the ~ heat, dia gelisah dan tdk dapat tidur sepanjang malam krn cuaca terlalu panas; b. (rel to flames, heat from fire, nuclear blast, etc) terlalu panas: the ~ heat from the fire forced them back, bahang api yg terlalu panas menyebabkan mereka terpaksa berundur; ~ flames, api yg terlalu panas; c. (of pain etc) amat sangat: the patient suffered ~ pain, pesakit itu mengalami kesakitan yg amat sangat; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata intense

Artikel Akhbar

Governed by intense mystical ritualTiadaNew Straits Times23.09.1989

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