Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : a ~ of minds, pertemuan /minda, pemikiran/. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : 2. ( people in a) gathering for a particular purpose, mesyuarat: a ~ of shareholders was called, sebuah mesyuarat para pemegang saham telah dipanggil; the annual general ~s were always held in the hall, mesyuarat ag (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. coming together of people by chance or by design, pertemuan; ( fml) pertemuan, perjumpaan: much has happened since our last ~, banyak yg telah berlaku sejak pertemuan kita yg lalu; the two leaders had a sec (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
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Artikel Akhbar

Meeting over Malay languageAkhbar:  New Straits Times09.03.2002
Meeting with IndonTiadaThe Malay Mail03.07.1989
Meeting of great minds it wasn'tRose IsmailNew Straits Times19.04.1988
Meeting to help private sector on bahasa usageTiadaNew Straits Times19.06.1996
Meeting to activate MoU on education next monthGabriel, PaulThe Star08.08.1997
Meeting to riview prices of imported books, magsTiadaSunday Star26.07.1998
Meeting will take place next week, says AnwarTiadaStar28.09.1987
Meeting challenges of changesMahathir MohamadThe New Straits Times16.12.1988
Fokeps meeting held in JerudongGoh, Jeani; Laila RahmanBorneo Bulletin28.02.2002
A meeting to pick scholars' brains on educationTiadaThe Star30.09.1980

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