Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : vt 1. examine (wound etc) memeriksa dgn teliti: the doctor ~d the wound, doktor memeriksa luka itu dgn teliti; 2. investigate, menyiasat: by probing his past we may find the reason for his suicide, dengan menyiasat riwayat hidupnya yg dulu, kita mungkin akan tahu sebab dia membunuh diri. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)

Definisi : n 1. slender instrument (as used by doctors and dentists) jarum perak panjang; 2. investigation, penyiasatan: to make a ~ into the financial scandal, membuat penyiasatan ke atas skandal kewangan; (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
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Artikel Akhbar

Probe on illegals benefitting from textbook schemeTiadaDaily Express16.12.1989
Probe into Arqam-sponsored studentsYee, MartinThe Sun04.01.1994
Police probe death of detaineeM. Krishnamoorthy, Jahabar SadiqThe Sunday Mail08.04.1990
Ministry to probe student's exam claimTiadaNew Straits Times19.12.2007
ACA begins probe into Textbook Division and DBPAzmah AbidinThe Star28.12.1995
Ministry to probe schools' unlisted booksTiadaNew Straits Times04.04.1980
Minister to probe claims by ex-head of DBPJune RamliNew Straits Times03.08.2004
Kassim Ahmad's Probe assault reportTiadaThe Star16.03.1981
Parents' grouses warrant probe: textbook bureauTiadaThe Malay Mail11.04.1980
Make public result of probe into textbook shortage, ACA toldFerida Abdul KudhusThe Sun13.01.1996

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