Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

justexpected?, berapa orangkah yg dijangkakan akan hadir?; it’s ~ six o’clock, sekarang tepat pukul enam; I left it ~ there, near that pillar, saya tinggalkan barang itu betul-betul di sana, dekat tiang itu; the abbatoir is ~ across the road, rumah sembelih betul-betul di seberang jalan; the picture is ~ like the one hanging in your bedroom, lukisan itu betul-betul spt lukisan yg tergantung di bilik tidurmu; 11. more or less, [not translated or dekat]: leave it ~ there, letakkan barang itu dekat situ; 12. directly, immediately, [not translated]: his room is ~ down the corridor, biliknya di hujung koridor; the town is ~ the other side of the hill, bandar itu di sebelahKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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