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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n 1. act or state of sticking fast, pelekatan, perekatan; 2. see ADHERENCE (sense 2. b. & e.); 3. (med) perekatan. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

adhesionn 1. act or state of sticking fast, pelekatan, perekatan; 2. see ADHERENCE (sense 2. b. & e.); 3. (med) perekatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
adherencen 1. see ADHESION (sense 1.); 2. adhering, state of adhering, a. (to idea, decision, demand) /sikap, pendirian/ /tdk berganjak, berpegang (teguh)/: his uncompromising ~ to what he believes is right, sikapnya yg tdk berganjak drpd sst yg dipercayainya benar; b. (to cause, doctrine, etc) pegangan yg teguh: ~ to o’s principles, pegangan sso yg teguh pd prinsip-prinsip sso; ~ to Buddhism, pegangan yg teguh pd agama Buddha; c. (to religion) pegangan yg teguh, ketaatan; d. (to rule, instruction, plan, etc) kepatuhan, pegangan yg teguh: strict ~ to the law, kepatuhan sepenuhnya kpd undang-undang; e. (to agreement, promise, treaty, etc) kepatuhan, pegangan yg teguh; f. (to person, organization) kesetiaan, ketaatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
subscribe b. pay (usu in advance) to receive a magazine etc regularly, berlanggan: I ~ to Reader’s Digest, saya berlanggan majalah Reader’s Digest; c. express o’s adhesion to, berpegang pd:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
suctionn production of a partial vacuum for the purpose of a. (forcing in liquid) sedutan: air is drawn into the room by ~, udara dimasukkan ke dlm bilik itu dgn sedutan; b. producing adhesion, lekapan: limpets adhere to the rocks by ~, limpet melekat ke batu dgn lekapan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bondn 1. (usu pl) rope, tali pengikat; (shackles) belenggu: his rescuers cut his ~s, penyelamat-penyelamatnya memotong tali pengikatnya; 2. (fig.) uniting force, tie, ikatan, pertalian: the ~ between us was strengthened by the tragedy, ikatan antara kami diperteguh oleh tragedi itu; countries united in the ~s of friendship, negara-negara yg bersatu dlm ikatan persahabatan; the ~ of matrimony, ikatan perkahwinan; 3. binding agreement, (surat) perjanjian: to sign a ~, menandatangani surat perjanjian; 4. (finance) bon: government ~s, bon kerajaan; 5. adhesion, kekuatan melekat: the two surfaces must be cleaned to provide a good ~, kedua-dua permukaan itu mesti dibersihkan supaya melekat dgn kuat; 6. (brick-laying) ikatan; 7. (chem) ikatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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