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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata air II;

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

pour~ in,a. flow out freely, i. (of liquid) mencurah: the roof hadn’t been repaired and the rain water just ~ed in, bumbung itu belum diperbaiki lalu air hujan mencurah masuk; ii. (of light) menyinar: when I threw open the windows, sunshine ~ed in, apabila saya membuka tingkap, cahaya matahari menyinar masuk; b. arrive in a crowd or large number, i. (of people etc) menderu:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inprep 1. (indic position, location) a. inside, within, i. (enclosed space), (di) dalam; I kept the letters ~ the drawer, saya menyimpan surat-surat itu di dalam laci; he’s waiting ~ the car, dia sedang menunggu dalam kereta; these weeds grow ~ water, rumpai ini hidup dalam air; ii. (place connected with particular activity) di; (if such a place is small), (di) dalam: I met him ~ a shop, saya bertemu dengannya di kedai; my sister works ~ a bank, kakak saya bekerja di bank;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pour~ out, a. flow out freely, i. (of light) memancar: light ~ed out from the windows of the Sheraton, cahaya lampu memancar dr jendela-jendela Sheraton; ii. (of liquid) mencurah keluar: water ~ed out of the hole of the tank, air mencurah keluar dr lubang di tangki itu; b. go out in large numbers, menderu keluar: the football crowd ~ed out of the stadium, penonton bola sepak menderu keluar dr stadium; c. tell or express quickly, mencurahkan: he ~ed out the whole story, dia mencurahkan keseluruhan cerita itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
discolour, (US) discolorvt a. (gen), /mengubah, menukar/ warna; (tech) menyahwarnakan; b. (by washing or exposure) i. (of clothes) melunturkan, memudarkan, memucatkan, menghilangkan warna; ii. (of jewellery, metal) memudarkan, menjadikan kusam; iii. (of paper, teeth) menguningkan; c. (by clouding) mengeruhkan: the earth stirred up by the rain will ~ the waters of the lake, tanah yg berkocak ditimpa hujan akan mengeruhkan air tasik itu; d. (by a knock or blow) melebamkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Allb. (with n only) i. consisting solely of, semata-mata: she thinks life in the city is ~ feasting and dancing, sangkanya hidup di kota besar semata-mata berpesta dan menari; this piece of meat is ~ bone, potongan daging ini tulang semata-mata; ii. (as intensifier), [usu not translated]: the girl was sitting ~ huddled up in the corner, gadis itu duduk meringkuk di sudut; their drinking-water had ~ gone, air minum mereka sudah habis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flare~ up a. see vi (sense 1.); b. burst into a rage, naik /darah, berang, radang/: she ~s up at the slightest criticism, dia naik berang apabila dikritik walaupun sedikit; c. (of violence) i. suddenly break out, tercetus: trouble suddenly ~d as the demonstrators approached the presidential palace, kekacauan tiba-tiba tercetus apabila para penunjuk perasaan mendekati istana presiden; ii. increase, memarak: the dispute over water-ways ~d up into an international crisis, pertikaian ttg jalan air memarak menjadi krisis antarabangsa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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