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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

vignetten vignet: a ~ of vine leaves at the end of every chapter, vignet daun-daun anggur di bahagian akhir setiap bab; a ~ of my grandmother as a girl, vignet nenek saya semasa dia gadis; a ~ of family life, vignet kehidupan sebuah keluarga.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
finishn 1. last stage or part, bahagian /akhir, penghabisan/: I missed the ~ of the football match, saya tdk melihat bahagian penghabisan perlawanan bola sepak itu; 2. end, berakhir: it was a very close ~ between Cramm, Ovett and Said Aouita, perlumbaan antara Cramm, Ovett dan Said Aouita berakhir dgn saingan rapat antara mereka; 3. appearance, texture, etc of surface, kemasan: a 19th-century piano with a beautiful ~, piano kurun ke-19 yg kemasannya cantik sekali;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conclusionn 1. (end, termination) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (closing part) bahagian akhir; (of book, speech, etc) kesimpulan; in ~, akhir sekali, sebagai penutup; 2. deduction, kesimpulan; /come to, reach/ a ~, membuat kesimpulan; draw a ~, membuat kesimpulan; jump to ~s, membuat kesimpulan dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. act of arranging and setting, a. (agreement, treaty, etc) pengikatan: the ~ of the trade agreement with Bulgaria, pengikatan perjanjian perdagangan dgn Bulgaria; b. (sale, deal, negotiation, etc) pencapaian persetujuan dlm; c. (alliance) pembentukan, d. (compromise) pencapaian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
latteradj 1. the second mentioned of two, kedua: of the two plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, I prefer the ~, antara dua lakonan itu, Hamlet dan Macbeth, saya lebih menyukai yg kedua;2. belonging to a later time or period, akhir: the ~ part of the novel is set in Greece, bahagian akhir novel itu berlatarkan Greece; he did a lot of travelling in the ~ part of last year, dia banyak berjalan pd akhir tahun lepas; the ~ years of his life, pd tahun-tahun akhir hayatnya; the ~ part of the year, setengah tahun kedua; 3. recent, present, /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: life has changed considerably for her in these ~ days, hidupnya banyak berubah akhir-akhir ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
latteradj 1. the second mentioned of two, kedua: of the two plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, I prefer the ~, antara dua lakonan itu, Hamlet dan Macbeth, saya lebih menyukai yg kedua;2. belonging to a later time or period, akhir: the ~ part of the novel is set in Greece, bahagian akhir novel itu berlatarkan Greece; he did a lot of travelling in the ~ part of last year, dia banyak berjalan pd akhir tahun lepas; the ~ years of his life, pd tahun-tahun akhir hayatnya; the ~ part of the year, setengah tahun kedua; 3. recent, present, /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: life has changed considerably for her in these ~ days, hidupnya banyak berubah akhir-akhir ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
part8.(mus) bahagian; 9. one of a series, (of TV serial, play, etc) bahagian; (of encyclopaedia) jilid: a four ~ TV serial, siri TV yg mempunyai empat bahagian; 10. section of film, programme, etc, bahagian: the exiciting passage is in the last ~ of the book, bahagian yg menyeronokkan terdapat di bahagian akhir buku itu; 11. particular period of time, bahagian; (of age) masa: the earlier ~ of the fifteenth century, bahagian awal abad kelima belas; my youth was the most lonely ~ of my life, zaman remaja ialah masa yg paling sunyi dlm hidup saya; 12. feature, (of system) bahagian; (of housekeeping,character) [not translated]: ~s theKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
highlightn 1. (photog, painting, etc) bahagian yg terang; 2. (fig.) most interesting or important part, acara kemuncak; (of TV programmes, football match, etc) sorotan penting: the ~ of the evening, acara kemuncak pd petang ini; the ~s of the finals will be aired tonight, sorotan penting pertandingan akhir akan disiarkan malam ini; 3. (in pl) tinted or bleached portion of hair, penyerlah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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