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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

heatn 1. (form of energy) haba: latent ~, haba pendam; ~ conduction, konduksi haba; 2. warmth, hotness, kepanasan, kehangatan; (radiated) bahang: the ~ of the iron, kepanasan besi itu; the ~ of the midday sun, bahang mata hari rembang; 3. source of heat, [various translations]: after ten minutes she turned down the ~ of the oven, selepas sepuluh minit, dia mengurangkan suhu ketuhar; she placed the pan directly on to the high ~, dia meletakkan kuali terus di atas dapur yg panas; 4. hot weather, cuaca panas; 5. also body heat, panas badan: to bring down the body ~, menurunkan panas badan; 6. most intense part, kemuncak: in the ~ of the battle, pd kemuncak peperangan itu; 7. (sports ) saringan: preliminary ~s, saringan awal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bakeadj (preceding a n) panas membahang; (preceding an adj) membahang: they ran the marathon in ~ temperatures, mereka berlari dlm maraton itu dlm panas bahang; the day was ~ hot, cuaca hari itu panas membahang; the ~ sun, matahari yg panas terik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
send~ out, a. cause to reach other people, mengedarkan: the secretary has sent out notices of the meeting, setiausaha telah mengedarkan notis ttg mesyuarat itu; b. emit, mengeluarkan; (signals) memancarkan: the fire ~s out a good heat, api itu mengeluarkan bahang yg panas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intenseadj 1. great, extreme in degree, amount, strength, etc, a. (rel to weather condition) terlalu: she tossed and turned the whole night because of the ~ heat, dia gelisah dan tdk dapat tidur sepanjang malam krn cuaca terlalu panas; b. (rel to flames, heat from fire, nuclear blast, etc) terlalu panas: the ~ heat from the fire forced them back, bahang api yg terlalu panas menyebabkan mereka terpaksa berundur; ~ flames, api yg terlalu panas; c. (of pain etc) amat sangat: the patient suffered ~ pain, pesakit itu mengalami kesakitan yg amat sangat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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