Maklumat Kata

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ketika (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan waktu, masa, jam, saat, tatkala, zaman, abad, kurun, kala, dewasa, tempoh;,
Kata Terbitan : seketika, berketika,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

second 2 in a /few ~s, a. a short while from now, /sekejap, sebentar/ lagi; b. in a very short time, dlm beberapa ketika: in a few ~s the whole house had gone up in flames, dlm beberapa ketika, rumah itu habis dijilat api; /in, within/ ~s, dlm sekelip mata.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
second 2 for a ~, a. for a very short while, sekejap: can I see that for a ~?, boleh saya lihat itu sekejap?; b. for a few moments, buat beberapa ketika: or a few ~s I thought he was going to hit me, buat beberapa ketika saya fikir dia hendak memukul saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stay 1 they ~ed out for some time to enjoy the fresh night air, mereka duduk di luar buat beberapa ketika utk menikmati udara malam yang nyaman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
touch and goadj menjadi cemas: his foot slipped, and it was ~ for a few seconds, kakinya tergelincir dan keadaan menjadi cemas buat beberapa ketika.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
second 2 n 1. one sixtieth part of a minute, saat, ketika; (ref to specific length of time) saat: he paused for a few ~s, dia berhenti utk beberapa ketika; it was over in less than twenty ~s, perkara itu selesai dlm masa kurang drpd dua puluh saat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
unbendvi1. become more relaxed, berlembut: a cold, severe man who rarely ~s, lelaki yg bersifat keras serta dingin dan jarang sekali berlembut; after a while he unbent and chatted with his guests,selepas beberapa ketika, dia pun berlembut dan berbual-bual dgn tetamunya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wear~ off, a. terkopek: my nail varnish is ~ing off, pengilat kuku saya sudah terkopek; b. (fig.) hilang: her shyness soon wore off, perasaan malunya lama-kelamaan hilang; the pain will ~ off after a while, rasa sakit itu akan hilang selepas beberapa ketika;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indrawnadj; ~ breath, menarik nafas: there were one or two ~ breaths as the contestant prepared to dive into the sea, beberapa orang menarik nafas ketika peserta itu bersedia utk menjunam ke laut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dodgevt mengelak drpd (+ approp v): he had to ~ several cars as he crossed the road, dia terpaksa mengelak drpd dilanggar beberapa buah kereta ketika melintas jalan itu; to ~ military service, mengelak drpd dikenakan perkhidmatan tentera; he tried to ~ answering the questions, dia mencuba mengelak drpd menjawab soalan-soalan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spoonn 1. wooden, metal, etc utensil with shallow bowl at the end of a handle, sudu, camca: bring some plastic ~s to the picnic, bawa beberapa batang sudu plastik ketika pergi berkelah; a teaspoon, camca teh; a set of six soup ~s, satu set enam batang camca sup;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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