Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[be.ra.sal]/[ber.a.sal] | براصل

Definisi : 1. bertempat asal (di), mula-mulanya dulu berada (di): orang itu ~ dr Kedah; 2. keturunan (dr): raja itu ~ dr raja Melaka; 3. berbangsa, keturunan baik-baik: orang yg ~; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[be.ra.sal]/[ber.a.sal] | براصل

Definisi : 1 bertempat asal; datang drpd: Agama Hindu ~ drpd India. 2 berketurunan drpd: Mereka mengaku ~ drpd Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berasal


Paku ini paku landai,
     Paku berasal dari Jawa;
Barang bini habis digadai,
     Pinjam pula barang mentua.

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     sungai satu air.

Bermaksud :

Sepupu yang berasal daripada satu keturunan. suak = teluk kecil.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hail 2 ~ from, /datang, berasal/ dr: he ~s from Fiji, dia berasal dr Fiji.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
spring4. originate, berasal; (of feeling, attitude, etc) berpunca: she sprang from common stock, dia berasal drpd keturunan orang biasa; her fear of the dark sprang from a bad experience as a child, ketakutannya berada dlm gelap berpunca drpd pengalaman buruk semasa kanak-kanak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
derivevi 1. originate, berasal: English and German ~d from a common source, bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Jerman berasal drpd sumber yg sama; 2. spring, come, berpunca: his income ~s from bonds and stocks, pendapatannya berpunca drpd bon dan stok;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come~ from, a. arrive from, datang dr; b. be native of, berasal dr: he ~s from the country, dia berasal dr kampung; c. be the product of, datang dr: these computers ~ from Malaysia, komputer ini datang dr Malaysia; energy that ~s from the sun, kuasa yg datang dr matahari; d. see ~ of (sense b.); e. see ~ of (sense c.);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
derivationn 1. obtaining (from a source) pemerolehan; (chem) penerbitan: the ~ of a myth from an icon, pemerolehan mitos drpd ikon; 2. origin, source, berasal: words of Sanskrit ~, perkataan-perkataan yg berasal drpd perkataan Sanskrit; he claimed ~ from French stock, dia mengakui dia berasal drpd keturunan Perancis; 3. (ling) a. process of word formation, proses penerbitan kata; b. etymology, asal-usul; 4. (chem & math), (process) penerbitan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come13. be a native of, datang, berasal: she ~s from California, dia datang dr California; 14. become, [not translated, sometimes menjadi]: the knot came loose, simpulan itu terurai; the button came unfastened, butang itu terbuka; the door came open, pintu itu terbuka; her dream came true, impiannya menjadi nyata; it ~s easily with practice, kerja itu menjadi mudah kalau selalu dibuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
originn 1. source, asal; (of river etc) punca; (of quarrel, unrest, etc) punca: to trace the ~ of a word, mengesan asal sst perkataan; the ~s of ancient civilization, asal tamadun kuno; be of...~, berasal dr...: the word is of Chinese ~, perkataaan itu berasal dr bahasa Cina; has its ~ in, (of river) punca [sungai] di; (quarrel, unrest) berpunca drpd: the river has its ~ in the mountains, punca sungai itu di gunung tersebut; 2. parentage, birth, keturunan; country of ~, negara asal; of...~, berketurunan, berasal...: a man of humble ~s, lelaki yg berketurunan rendah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commonadj 1. one and the same, sama: the two families have a ~ ancestor, kedua-dua keluarga itu berasal dr keturunan yg sama; we have ~ interests, kami mempunyai minat yg sama; 2. of, belonging to, shared by more than two people, bersama; (used by members of a group) utk kegunaan bersama: ~ property, harta bersama; the land was held in ~ ownership by the wife and husband, tanah itu dimiliki bersama oleh pasangan suami isteri tersebut; they worked for a ~ cause, mereka berusaha utk perjuangan bersama; a ~ staircase, tangga utk kegunaan bersama; 3. of, belonging to, affecting, etc the public, umum: the government claimed that it acted for the ~ good, kerajaan mendakwa bahawa tindakan itu diambil utk kebaikan umum;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lowlyadj humble, of low status, a. (of person) bawahan: a man of ~ birth who became a successful businessman, seorang yg berasal dr keturunan bawahan yg kini menjadi usahawan yg berjaya; b. (in rank, occupation, etc) bertaraf rendah: many young people won’t take on jobs they consider to be ~, ramai anak muda yg enggan melakukan pekerjaan yg dianggap bertaraf rendah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come10. originate, be derived from, datang: milk ~s from cows and other animals, susu datang dr lembu dan binatang-binatang lain; kind deeds ~ from a kind heart, perbuatan baik datang dr hati yg baik; 11. be descendant of, berasal: she ~s from a noble family, dia berasal drpd keluarga bangsawan; 12. be the result of, padahnya, akibat: that’s what ~s of gambling, itulah padahnya berjudi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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