Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : 1. berada atau terletak dekat (dgn sesuatu tempat), berhampiran: rakit itu kemudiannya dihanyutkan ke dlm sungai yg ~; kejadian rompakan itu telah di­laporkan ke balai polis yg ~; 2. = berdekat-dekatan; 3. dekat (dgn sesuatu), berhampiran (dgn); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

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Definisi : berhampiran dgn; tidak berjauhan: Rumah-rumah yg ~ dgn Sungai Pahang habis ditenggelami air. Anaknya didaftarkan di sekolah yg ~. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata berdekatan

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

propinquityn(fml) closeness, nearness, a. (in place, time) berdekatan: their friendship was the result of residential ~ rather than of mutual interest, persahabatan mereka terjalin disebabkan rumah mereka berdekatan, bukan krn mereka mempunyai minat yg sama;b. (in blood relationship) hubungan kekeluargaan, persaudaraan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nearprep close to, a. (in space) dekat dgn, (fml), /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; (colloq) dekat: they have a beautiful house ~ the river, mereka mempunyai sebuah rumah yg indah dekat dgn sungai; ~ the station there can be found various cafés and restaurants, berdekatan dgn stesen terdapat berbagai kafe dan restoran; why won’t you sit ~ me?, kenapa tak nak duduk dekat saya?; b. (in time) tdk lama sebelum: ~ the school holidays, tdk lama sebelum cuti sekolah; ~ the end of the play, tdk lama sebelum lakonan itu tamat; c. (in likeness) hampir serupa dgn: the reproduction is very ~ the original, lukisan itu hampir serupa dgn lukisan sebenar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
close~ by, berhampiran, berdekatan; ~ / on, upon/, almost, hampir: he was ~ on eighty, umurnya hampir lapan puluh tahun; ~ to, at only a short distance from, berhampiran dgn, dekat dgn: she sat ~ to me, dia duduk dekat dgn saya; they live ~ to the post office, mereka tinggal berhampiran dgn pejabat pos; ~ to home, hampir mengenai sasaran; ~ together, dekat-dekat: to stand ~ together, berdiri dekat-dekat; come ~ to, almost, hampir(-hampir): she came ~ to losing her job, dia hampir-hampir dibuang kerja; sail ~ to the wind, a. belayar menyongsong angin; b. (fig.) hampir melanggar tatasusila: he sails ~ to the wind in his criticism of the government, dia hampir melanggar tatasusila dlm kritikannya thdp kerajaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anywhereb./b> at all close to (being) hampir; (in relation to distance) dekat, /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; (in relation to time) dekat, hampir; (used with negative) see NOWHERE (nowhere near): are you ~ near finished?, adakah kamu hampir siap?; we cannot say that we are ~ near achieving our objective, kita tdk boleh mengatakan bahawa kita hampir mencapai matlamat kita; do you live ~ near Kuala Lumpur?, adakah kamu tinggal berdekatan dgn Kuala Lumpur?; is it ~ near time to go home?, adakah hampir masanya utk kita pulang?; get ~, berjaya: you won’t get ~ with that negative attitude, kamu tdk akan berjaya dgn sikap negatif spt itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nearbyadj & adv berhampiran, berdekatan; (colloq) , (near a particular place) dekat-dekat /sana, situ/; (near where the speaker is) dekat-dekat sini: a ~ school, sekolah yg berhampiran; is there a telephone ~?, ada telefon dekat-dekat sini?; we used to play at the field ~, kami biasa bermain di padang dekat-dekat situ.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
off4. near, /berhampiran, hampir, berdekatan, dekat/ dgn; (when distance is specified) dari: the street is ~ the Merdeka Square, jalan itu berhampiran dgn Dataran Merdeka; an island ~ the coast of Africa, pulau yg berhampiran dgn pantai Afrika; the ship is seven miles ~ Port Klang, kapal itu berlabuh tujuh batu dari Pelabuhan Klang; 5. away from (subject, topic of discussion) dari; (work) bercuti: the speaker kept wandering ~ the subject, penceramah itu sering terkeluar dari tajuk; I plan to take a week ~ work, saya bercadang utk bercuti selama seminggu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hard~ at it, sedang bekerja /keras, kuat/; ~ by, /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; be ~ done by, diperlakukan dgn tdk adil; be ~ put (to it ) , sukar, susah: he will be ~ put to win this race, sukar baginya utk memenangi perlumbaan ini; ~ up, kesempitan wang; be ~ up for st, a. be in great need of st, sangat memerlukan sst; b. want st badly, hendak sangat sst; c. be at a loss for (ideas) ketandusan (idea); play ~ to get, jual mahal; take it ~, terlalu sedih.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
closenessn 1. nearness, dekat, berhampiran, berdekatan: they liked the house because of its ~ to the school, mereka suka akan rumah itu krn dekat dgn sekolah; 2. compactness, rapatnya; 3. intimacy, kekariban: many people envied their ~, ramai orang yg iri hati thdp kekariban mereka; 4. strictness, rigorousness, kerapian; 5. thoroughness, ketelitian; 6. faithfulness, quality of not deviating, ketepatan; 7. oppressiveness, kesesakan (udara): the ~ of the room, kesesakan udara bilik itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
scar 1 the explosion nearby has ~red the facade of the building, letupan yg berdekatan itu telah meninggalkan bekas pd bahagian hadapan bangunan tersebut; 2. (fig.) meninggalkan kesan: wartime experiences have ~red his personality, pengalaman semasa perang telah meninggalkan kesan pd personalitinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contiguousadj (fml) 1. (sharing common boundary) bersempadan; (next to each other) bersebelahan; (near) berdekatan, berhampiran: his property is ~ to ours, tanah kepunyaannya bersempadan dgn tanah kami; the ~ town, bandar yg berhampiran; 2. next in order or time, berikutan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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