Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ber.hij.rah] | برهجره

Definisi : berpindah, meninggalkan sesuatu tempat utk pergi ke tempat lain: pemuda-pemuda di kampung terpaksa ~ ke bandar untuk mencari rezeki yg lebih baik; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ber.hij.rah] | برهجره

Definisi : 1 berpindah dr Mekah ke Madinah (bkn Nabi Muhammad SAW). 2 meninggalkan sesuatu tempat utk pergi ke tempat lain: Mereka ~ ke bandar utk mencari pekerjaan. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : berhijrah, menghijrahkan, penghijrahan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

migratoryadj berhijrah: the ~ instincts of certain wildlife, naluri berhijrah sesetengah hidupan liar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
emigratevi berhijrah: they have ~d to Australia, mereka sudah berhijrah ke Australia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
migratevi 1. move to another region, berhijrah, berpindah: many youths ~ to the cities looking for a better life, ramai pemuda yg berhijrah ke bandar-bandar utk mendapatkan kehidupan yg lebih baik; 2. (of animal, bird, etcKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
professionaln approp n + profesional: a football ~, seorang pemain bola sepak profesional; more and more ~s are migrating overseas, semakin ramai ahli profesional berhijrah ke luar negeri; you need a ~ to manage your business affairs, kamu memerlukan pengurus profesional utk mengendalikan urusan perniagaan kamu; this is the work of a ~, ini ialah kerja seorang yg profesional.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
draw~ on, approach, hampir tiba, sudah hampir, menjelang: as winter drew on, the birds started migrating, apabila musim sejuk hampir tiba burung-burung mula berhijrah; ~ on st, a. breathe in through st, menyedut sst: he drew on his cigarette before replying, dia menyedut rokoknya sebelum menjawab; b. also ~ upon st, use or exploit st, menggunakan sst: in writing the novel, he drew upon his wartime experience, semasa menulis novel itu, dia menggunakan pengalamannya semasa perang; ~ so. on, a. cause so. to continue on his course, (act.) membuat sso terus + approp v; (pass.) terus + approp v: the thought of the reward drew him on, memikirkan ganjarannya membuat dia terus berusaha; ~ st on, (sock, glove, etc) menyarungkan sst;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
root~ and branch, sama sekali, hingga ke akar umbi: these abuses must be destroyed ~ and branch, penyalahgunaan ini mesti dimusnahkan sama sekali; pull up o’s ~s, (fig.) berhijrah; put down (new) ~s, (fig.) menetap di tempat baru; /take, strike/ ~, a. mula /berakar, tumbuh akar/; b. (fig.) bertapak, berakar umbi: the idea has taken ~ in his mind, gagasan itu telah bertapak dlm benaknya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dally~ with, a. think about but not seriously, berfikir-fikir walaupun tdk sepenuh hati: they dallied with the idea of migrating to Canada, mereka berfikir-fikir, walaupun tdk sepenuh hati, utk berhijrah ke Kanada; b. trifle with, (person) bermain asmara; (person’s affection) mempermainkan: he merely dallied with her, dia hanya bermain asmara dgn gadis itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sell ~ up, a. see ~ out (sense a.); b. dispose of o’s property, menjual segala harta benda: he sold up and migrated to Australia, dia menjual segala harta bendanya dan berhijrah ke Australia;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rumour, (US) rumorn khabar(-khabar) angin, desas-desus: all sorts of ~s are going around about him, segala macam khabar angin sedang tersebar tentangnya; ~ has it that he is planning to emigrate, ada khabar-khabar angin bahawa dia bercadang hendak berhijrah ke luar negeri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flirtationn 1. act of flirting with opposite sex, main cinta; 2. brief love affair, main cinta: after a brief ~ with the actor, she migrated to the East Coast, selepas main cinta sekejap dgn pelakon itu dia berhijrah ke Pantai Timur; 3. casual involvement, bermain-main, berfikir-fikir, bertimbang-timbang: after his short-lived ~ with Thatcherism, he joined the Liberal Democrats, setelah bermain-main dgn Thatcherisme sekejap, dia masuk Parti Liberal Demokrat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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