Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ber.him.pit.him.pit] | برهيمڤيت - هيمڤيت

Definisi : sesak-me­nye­sak, berasak-asak, bersempit-sempit: tak sanggup aku hendak menempuh orang yg berhimpit-himpit itu; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ber.him.pit.him.pit] | برهيمڤيت - هيمڤيت

Definisi : berapat-rapat hingga tidak bersela lagi; berasak-asak; berdesak-desak: Para penumpang ~ menaiki bas. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : berhimpit-himpit, menghimpit, terhimpit, himpitan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

squeeze ~ up, duduk berhimpit-himpit: if we ~ up there’ll be room for one more, jika kita duduk berhimpit-himpit, seorang lagi boleh masuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
squash 1 ~ up, berhimpit-himpit: we had to ~ up a bit to give room for others to sit down, kami terpaksa berhimpit-himpit sedikit supaya yg lain dapat duduk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crush~ into, /berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit/ masuk ke dlm; ~ st into, menghancurkan sst menjadi: the rocks were ~ed into powder, batu-batu itu dihancurkan menjadi serbuk; ~ /so., st/ into, mengasak /sso, sst/ masuk ke dlm;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crush~ in, /berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit/ masuk; ~ st in, (act.) meremukkan sst; (pass.) sst remuk: the car door was ~ed in by the impact, pintu kereta itu remuk akibat perlanggaran; ~ /so. st/ in, mengasak / sso, sst/ masuk: there was very little space in the lorry, so the animal had to be ~ed in, terdapat ruang yg terlalu sempit di dlm lori itu, jadi binatang itu terpaksa diasak masuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lock 1 ~ together, a. be fixed together tightly, clench, terkancing: his teeth ~ed together in pain, giginya terkancing krn kesakitan; b. pile together inextricably, berhimpit-himpit: two cars and a lorry were ~ed together in the crash, dua buah kereta dan sebuah lori berhimpit-himpit dlm perlanggaran itu; c. (in a struggle) saling mengasak: the two wrestlers were ~ed together, kedua-dua ahli gusti itu saling mengasak; d. (in embrace) berdakapan, berpelukan: they were ~ed together in a long hug, lama mereka berpelukan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crowdedadj 1. full of people, penuh sesak: ~ streets, jalan-jalan yg penuh sesak; a ~ city, kota raya yg penuh sesak; 2. restricted in movement, berhimpit-himpit: the sheep were ~ in their small pens, kambing biri-biri itu berhimpit-himpit di dlm kandang yg kecil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
leen lindungan: the sheep huddled under the ~ of the cliff, biri-biri itu berhimpit-himpit di bawah lindungan cenuram tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
leen lindungan: the sheep huddled under the ~ of the cliff, biri-biri itu berhimpit-himpit di bawah lindungan cenuram tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
press 1vi 1. (of crowd, people) mass, mill around, berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit: thousands of people ~ed around him as he left the train, beribu-ribu orang berasak-asak di sekelilingnya sebaik saja dia turun dr kereta api itu; the crowd ~ed forward to get a better view, orang ramai berasak-asak ke depan supaya dapat melihat dgn jelas lagi; 2. make repeated and urgent request, mendesak, menggesa: the people are ~ing for reforms, orang ramai sedang mendesak supaya perubahan dapat dilakukan; he ~ed for a review of the tariff structure, dia mendesak supaya susunan tarif dapat disemak semula;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
squeeze 3. (colloq) squash, sesak, berhimpit-himpit: it was a tight ~, but we all managed to get into the car, berhimpit-himpitlah sedikit, tetapi kami semua dapat masuk ke dlm kereta itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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