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     kita menampar.

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Berlainan perbuatan tetapi akibatnya sama merasa.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

antipodesadj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antipodeanadj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antipodeadj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
antipodaladj 1. of the antipodes, antipodes: ~ latitude, garisan lintang antipodes; ~ to, berantipod dgn; 2. diametrically opposite, berlainan; (of person) berlainan + approp n: ~ attitude, sikap yg berlainan; a strong bond that exists between these two ~ women, ikatan teguh yg wujud antara kedua-dua wanita yg berlainan tabiat ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
differentadj 1. dissimilar, distinct, berbeza, berlainan: ~ age groups, kumpulan umur yg berbeza; ~ /from, to, (US) than/, /berbeza, berlainan/ drpd: his approach is very ~ from his predecessor’s, pendekatannya sangat berbeza drpd pendekatan orang sebelumnya; /many, several/ ~, berbagai-bagai, bermacam-macam, pelbagai: many ~ varieties of orchids, berbagai-bagai jenis orkid; 2. another, lain: the customer asked for a ~ colour, pelanggan itu meminta warna lain; 3. unusual, lain drpd yg lain: a style that’s ~, gaya yg lain drpd yg lain.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
separate 2. different, berlainan, berbeza: they are applying for the job for ~ reasons, mereka memohon pekerjaan itu atas sebab-sebab yg berbeza; this word has two ~ meanings, perkataan ini mempunyai dua makna yg berlainan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dissimilaradj berbeza, berlainan, tdk /sama, serupa /: the two schools of thought are not greatly ~, kedua-dua mazhab itu tdk begitu berbeza; the couple have ~ tastes, pasangan itu mempunyai cita rasa yg berbeza.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heterogeneousadj 1. dissimilar, berlainan; 2. of dissimilar, varied kinds, /berbagai-bagai, pelbagai, beraneka/ jenis: a ~ collection of books, koleksi buku yg berbagai-bagai jenis; a ~ group of people attended the funeral, berbagai-bagai jenis orang menghadiri upacara pengebumian itu; 3. (of society, population) majmuk; 4. (math & science) heterogen.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
diverseadj 1. unlike, berbeza, berlainan: my husband and I have ~ ideas on how to bring up children, saya dan suami saya mempunyai idea yg berbeza ttg bagaimana hendak mendidik anak; 2. varied, berbagai-bagai, pelbagai: she has ~ interests, dia mempunyai berbagai-bagai minat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
distinctadj 1. different, berbeza, berlainan, tdk sama: divided into two ~ categories, dibahagikan kpd dua kategori yg berbeza; as ~ from, berbeza drpd: modern drugs as ~ from traditional remedies, penggunaan ubat moden yg berbeza drpd ubat-ubatan tradisional; 2. sharp, clear, jelas: ~ pronunciation, sebutan yg jelas; a ~ outline, bentuk yg jelas; my recollection of the event is ~, ingatan saya ttg kejadian itu adalah jelas; 3. unmistakable, positive, nyata: there’s a ~ possibility that the crisis will escalate into a war, ada kemungkinan yg nyata krisis itu akan meruncing menjadi satu peperangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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