Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ééng]/[ber.o.léng.o.léng] | براوليڠ-اوليڠ

Definisi : berayun-ayun atau bergo­yang-goyang (perahu yg dipukul ombak dll): bebola itu berputar dan ~; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Kata Terbitan : beroleng-oleng, mengoleng, teroleng-oleng, olengan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

rollkapal itu sedang beroleng-oleng di laut yg bergelora; the aeroplane ~ed continuously, kapal terbang itu beroleng-oleng terus-menerus; 7. walk with a swaying gait, berjalan terhuyung-hayang: the sailors were ~ing along the street, kelasi-kelasi itu sedang berjalan terhuyung-hayang di jalan itu; 8. make a prolonged, reverberating sound, berderam-derum, bergema: as thunder ~ed in the distance, semasa guruh bergema di kejauhan; 9. go into action or operation, merakamkan + approp n: the newsmen’s cameras were ~ing, kamera pemberita sedang merakamkan peristiwa itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rollthick, black smoke ~ed skyward, asap tebal dan hitam bergulung-gulung naik ke langit; heavy clouds are ~ing up from the west, awan tebal sedang bergulung-gulung naik ke langit dr sebelah barat; 4. (of land) undulate, beralun-alun, berombak-ombak: in front of them ~ed the plains, dataran itu beralun-alun di hadapan mereka; 5. turn in a circular motion, berputar, berpusing: his eyes ~ed in fear, matanya berputar krn ketakutan; 6. sway to and fro, beroleng(-oleng): the ship ~ed in the rough seas,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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