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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata cantik 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

beautifuladj 1. delighting the eye, a. (gen) cantik: a ~ vase, jambangan bunga yg cantik; ~ flowers, bunga-bunga yg cantik; a ~ horse, kuda yg cantik; that’s a ~ car, cantik kereta itu; b. (of woman) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan: a ~ actress, seniwati yg cantik; c. (of face) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan; d. (of eyes, hands, legs, etc) cantik: ~ brown eyes, mata berwarna coklat yg cantik; e. (of building, place, scenery) indah, cantik:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
exquisiteadj 1. extremely beautiful, sangat /cantik, indah/; (of face) cantik bagai diraut, sangat cantik: she bought some ~ lace for her wedding dress, dia membeli kain renda yg sangat cantik utk gaun pengantinnya; the design on the silverware is ~, corak pd barang perak itu sangat cantik;2. showing a high degree of artistic skill, sangat halus buatannya; (of workmanship) sangat halus: an ~ piece of jewellery, barang kemas yg sangat halus buatannya; (fml) intense, acute, amat sangat: ~ pain, kesakitan yg amat sangat; ~ joy, kegembiraan yg amat sangat; 4. delicate, sensitive, sangat halus: he has ~ taste, dia mempunyai cita rasa yg sangat halus; 5. extremely fine, sangat halus: the ~ beauty of the vase, keindahan jambangan itu yg sangat halus; his father was a man with ~ manners, bapanya sangat halus sopan santunnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
firm1be on ~ ground, mempunyai dasar yg /kukuh, teguh/: he is on ~ ground when he maintains that Malaysian women are beautiful, dia mempunyai dasar yg kukuh apabila menegaskan bahawa wanita Malaysia cantik-cantik; with a ~ hand, dgn tegas: the king ruled with a ~ hand for over thirty years, raja itu memerintah dgn tegas lebih drpd tiga puluh tahun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fine1b. visually appealing, indah, sangat cantik; (of animal) cantik: some of the ~st views in Malaysia are to be found in Sabah, sesetengah pemandangan yg paling indah di Malaysia terdapat di Sabah; that’s a ~ black stallion I just saw in your field, tadi saya nampak seekor kuda jantan hitam yg cantik di padang kamu; 2. (delicate in texture, structure, etc) halus; (delicately made) halus buatannya: she has ~ skin, kulitnya halus; ~ features, raut muka yg halus; ~ silk, sutera yg halus; ~ porcelain bowls, mangkuk tembikar yg halus buatannya; 3. very thin, slender, halus: ~ thread, benang yg halus; she could not read the instructions because the print was too ~, dia tdk dapat membaca arahan itu krn hurufnya terlalu halus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dainty 1adj 1. delicately beautiful, a. (of person) ayu, kecil molek; b. (of thing) cantik: a ~ blouse, sehelai blaus yg cantik; a ~ piece of furniture, perabot yg cantik; 2. easily broken, injured, mudah + approp v: ~ coffee cups, cawan kopi yg mudah pecah; the ~ stalk of the flower, tangkai bunga yg mudah patah; 3. fastidious, cerewet (ttg makanan), memilih makanan: some cats are ~ feeders, sesetengah kucing cerewet ttg makanan; 4. delicious, lazat, sedap, enak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
picturesqueadj1. beautiful, charming, cantik: the ~ scenery of the Alps, pemandangan gunung Alp yg cantik; 2. (euphem), (of language) striking, hidup dan menarik: a ~ phrase, frasa yg hidup dan menarik; 3. (of people, their manner and clothes) rather unusual, aneh: she was a ~ sight with her new hairstyle and strange clothes, dia kelihatan aneh dgn rambut fesyen baru dan juga pakaian yg ganjil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chocolate-boxn 1. kotak coklat; 2. (fig.) cantik: ~ scenery, pemandangan yg cantik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
prettyadj1. attractive, appealing esp in appearance,cantik; (of girl) comel: a ~ house with a picturesque garden, rumah yg cantik dgn taman yg indah; 2. fine, good,a. (of music) sedap, merdu: she played a very ~ tune on a piano, dia memainkan lagu yg sangat sedap dgn piano; b. (esp dated), (of speech, writing, idea, etc) baik, bagus: he made a ~ speech, ucapannya baik; she displayed a ~ wit, dia menunjukkan kepintaran akal yg baik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
exquisitenessn 1. quality of being extremely beautiful, kecantikan, keindahan, sangat /cantik(nya), indah(nya)/; (of face) kecantikan [n] yg bagai diraut, sangat cantik; 2. showing a high degree of artistic skill, kehalusan: he was fascinated by the ~ of the carving, dia kagum dgn ukiran yg sangat halus buatannya itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sultry adj 1. (of weather, climate) hot and humid, melengas; 2. suggesting passion, cantik dan mengghairahkan: her ~ eyes, matanya yg cantik dan mengghairahkan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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