Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ca.pu/] | چاڤوق

Definisi : 1. tompok(-tompok) pd sesuatu per­mukaan (spt pd kulit muka, kain, dll), borek; 2. = bercapuk(-capuk) mempunyai (banyak) capuk; bercapuk, bercapuk-capuk mempunyai atau menampakkan (banyak) capuk (bkn ku­lit dll), bertanda capuk (bkn kulit, kain, dll): mukanya bercapuk-capuk akibat sesuatu penyakit kulit; beberapa helai pakaian lembap yg ditimbunkan sahaja semalaman itu ~ di beberapa tempat; mencapukkan menjadikan bercapuk atau bercapuk-capuk: dia ~ kertas putih dgn cat air. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

patchyadj 1. in patches, (of colour) bercapuk-capuk; (of mist, fog) di sana sini: she dyed her rug but the colour turned out to be rather ~, dia mencelup hamparannya tetapi warnanya menjadi bercapuk-capuk; areas of ~ fog could be seen over the mountains, kawasan yg berkabut di sana sini boleh dilihat di pergunungan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mottledadj bercapuk-capuk, berbelak-belak; (of complexion, esp because of emotion) merah padam: a man with a somewhat ~ complexion, lelaki yg mempunyai kulit muka yg berbelak-belak; tortoise-shell in ~ shades of brown and biege, kulitKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blotchyadj 1. marked with irregular spots, bertompok-tompok; 2. marked with discoloured patches, berbelak-belak, bercapuk-capuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dampn 1. moisture, humidity, udara yg lembap: the ~ left ugly stains on the wall, udara yg lembap menyebabkan dinding bercapuk-capuk; 2. also fire-damp, gas arang batu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
seep ~ through, see vi; ~ through st, meresapi sst: the rain had ~ed through the roof and stained the ceiling, air hujan telah meresapi bumbung dan meninggalkan kesan capuk pd siling.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blotchn 1. irregular spot, mark, tompok: there were red ~es on her skin, terdapat tompok-tompok merah pd kulitnya; ~es of ink on the wall, tompok-tompok dakwat pd dinding; 2. discoloured patch on skin, belak, capuk; /full of, covered with/ ~es, berbelak-belak, bercapuk-capuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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