Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | دينيهاري

Definisi : (hari, waktu) fajar belum menyingsing, lebih kurang pukul 3-5 pagi, pagi-pagi benar: pertempuran itu mula berlaku pd waktu petang dan melarat hingga waktu ~; hulu ~ lebih kurang pukul 3.30 pagi. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata dinihari


Berderai tiung di Linau,
     Punai turun dinihari;
Bercerai kasih bujang panau,
     Makan nasi sesuap sehari.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

small hours n; the ~ (of the morning), dinihari: a party that went on well into the ~ of the morning, parti yg berlanjutan sehingga dinihari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
day-springn (archaic or poet.) dinihari, waktu fajar menyinsing.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cockcrown (liter.) waktu /fajar, ayam berkokok/, dinihari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
set~ forth, (old use) berangkat: they ~ forth before dawn, mereka berangkat sebelum dinihari; ~ st forth, present st, mengemukakan sst: the causes of the disaster are clearly ~ forth in the report of the Commission of Enquiry, sebab-sebab berlakunya bencana itu dikemukakan dgn jelas dlm laporan Suruhanjaya Penyiasatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
movec. leave camp, barrack, mula bergerak meninggalkan /berek, khemah, dll /: the platoon ~d out at dawn, platun itu mula bergerak meninggalkan khemah pd waktu dinihari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stalk 2 b. (of disease, fear, etc) menjalar: the terror that ~s by night disappears with the dawn, rasa takut yg menjalar pd waktu malam hilang menjelang dinihari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
launch 1 vt melancarkan: the President’s wife ~ed the new liner, isteri Presiden telah melancarkan kapal baru itu; they ~ed the attack at dawn, mereka melancarkan serangan pd waktu dinihari; the novel was ~ed with a luncheon, novel itu dilancarkan berserta dgn majlis makan tengah hari; the rocket was ~ed from Cape Kennedy, roket itu dilancarkan dr Cape Kennedy;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
launch 1 vt melancarkan: the President’s wife ~ed the new liner, isteri Presiden telah melancarkan kapal baru itu; they ~ed the attack at dawn, mereka melancarkan serangan pd waktu dinihari; the novel was ~ed with a luncheon, novel itu dilancarkan berserta dgn majlis makan tengah hari; the rocket was ~ed from Cape Kennedy, roket itu dilancarkan dr Cape Kennedy;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
peep 1 n ; /have, get, take/ a ~ at, melihat sekilas; ( in secret) mengintai: may I have a ~ at the baby?, boleh saya melihat sekilas bayi itu?; she tried to get a ~ at the letter but he folded it quickly and put it in his pocket, dia mencuba mengintai kandungan surat itu, tetapi lelaki itu cepat-cepat melipatnya dan menyimpannya ke dlm sakunya; at the ~ of /day, dawn, morning/ , waktu /fajar, fajar dinihari/ /menyingsing, merekah/: he was up at the first ~ of dawn, dia bangun tatkala fajar dinihari menyingsing;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hoursafter ~, (of work) selepas /waktu, masa/ pejabat; (of business) selepas waktu niaga; at all ~ (of the day and night), bila-bila masa, tdk kira masa: the doctor can be called at all ~, doktor itu boleh dipanggil tdk kira masa; keep /early, good/ ~, tidur awal; keep /bad, late/ ~, berjaga hingga /larut, jauh/ malam; in the /small, wee/ ~, lepas tengah malam, dinihari; till all ~, sehingga /larut, jauh/ malam: she is up till all ~, dia berjaga hingga larut malam; work long ~, waktu kerja panjang: the job is interesting but we have to work long ~, pekerjaan ini menarik tetapi waktu kerja panjang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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