Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[éks.trém] | ايکستريم

Definisi : (ékstrém) keterlaluan, melampau; keekstreman perihal (keadaan) ekstrem. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[éks.trém] | ايکستريم

Definisi : /ékstrém/ melampau (bkn sikap, pendirian, tuntutan dll); terlalu sangat. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

extreme2. a. (of condition) very severe, amat teruk, ekstrem: they had no hope of surviving in such ~ conditions, mereka tdk ada harapan utk terus hidup dlm keadaan yg amat teruk begitu; b. (of method, measure, action, etc) drastic, desperate, keterlaluan, ekstrem: the government took ~ measures to meet the threat of revolt, kerajaan mengambil tindakan yg keterlaluan utk menghadapi ancaman pemberontakan; c. (derog) immoderate, radical, (of person, political movement) melampau, ekstrem; (of opinion, belief, etc) ekstrem, melampau, keterlaluan:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extremeshe is a supporter of the ~ left wing of the party, dia penyokong puak kiri parti itu yg melampau; an ~ socialist, sosialis yg ekstrem; he has ~ views about the Church and politics, dia mempunyai pandangan yg keterlaluan ttg penglibatan Gereja dlm politik; d. having specified characteristic to the greatest extent, ekstrem: your behaviour towards me is an ~ example of rudeness, tingkah laku kamu thdp saya ialah contoh ekstrem sikap biadab; in ~ cases, the police are called in to conduct a thorough investigation, dlm kes-kes ekstrem, pihak polis dipanggil utk menjalankan penyiasatan yg rapi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extremecarry st to ~s, (approp v + sst secara) /keterlaluan, ekstrem/: I don’t mind you being fussy about the house but not letting me walk on the carpet is carrying things to ~s, bagi saya tdk mengapa jika kamu cerewet ttg kebersihan rumah, tetapi tdk membenarkan saya berjalan di atas permaidani sudah keterlaluan; we all want a green city but not if it means having to carry certain policies to ~s, kita semua mengingini bandar yg hijau, tetapi tidaklah sehingga kita terpaksa melaksanakan dasar-dasar tertentu secara keterlaluan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
extremego to ~s, [various translations]: she would go to ~s just to get what she wants, dia sanggup bertindak secara keterlaluan utk mendapat apa yg dikehendakinya; we had to go to ~s to get them to listen to us, kami terpaksa mengambil langkah-langkah ekstrem utk membuat mereka mendengar rungutan kami; go to the other ~, berubah menjadi sebaliknya: he used to be religious but now he has gone to the other ~, dahulu dia warak, tetapi sekarang dia berubah menjadi sebaliknya; in the ~, (fml) sangat, amat, sungguh: he is honest in the ~, dia sangat jujur.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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