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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n nama pertama. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata first name

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

first namen nama pertama.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
middle namen 1. name between surname and first name, nama tengah: his name is John Paul Robertson but he’s known by his ~, Paul, namanya John Paul Robertson tetapi dia dikenali dgn nama tengahnya, Paul; 2. (colloq) qualitKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appearance3. coming before the public, a. (gen) tampil: it was the first public ~ of the baby prince, itulah kali pertama bayi diraja itu tampil di khalayak ramai; b. (in a publication) penyiaran, tersiar: he was upset over the ~ of his name in connection with the scandal, fikirannya terganggu apabila tersiar namanya berkaitan dengan skandal itu; c. (in the form of a publication) penerbitan: the ~ of his novel was delayed by a printers’ strike, penerbitan novelnya tergendala oleh mogok pekerja-pekerja cetak; d. (in the form of a recording) pengeluaran; e. (for sale) terdapatnya; f. (as an actor, performer, etc) kemunculan, muncul: this was to be his last ~ at the Sydney Opera House, ini sepatutnya kali terakhir dia muncul di Rumah Opera Sydney; 4. attendance, kehadiran: her ~ at any party adds glamour to it, kehadirannya di majlis mana-mana akan menyerikan lagi majlis itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
person4. type of personage, jenis orang: I’m not an adventurous ~ myself, saya bukan jenis orang yg suka mengembara; 5.human being, a. (fml), (if known) seseorang: a certain ~ informed me about what was going on here, ada seseorang tertentu yg memberitahu saya ttg apa yg sedang berlaku di sini; b. (if unspecified) sesiapa: any ~ wishing to participate please register your name, sesiapa yg ingin mengambil bahagian, sila daftarkan nama; 6. (gram.) diri: “I”, “me” and “weare all first ~ pronouns, “I” “me” dan “we” ialah kata gantiKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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