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Kata Terbitan : menghampar, terhampar, hamparan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

carpetn 1. thick fabric covering for floor, hamparan, permaidani: wall-to-wall ~, hamparan dr dinding ke dinding; 2. rug, permaidani, ambal, hamparan; 3. covering (of leaves etc) hamparan, litupan: hidden under a ~ of dead leaves, tersorok di bawah hamparan daun-daun kering;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
carpetingn carpets collectively, hamparan, permaidani, ambal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
carpetvt 1. cover with carpet, menghampari, melapik dgn /hamparan, permaidani/: the stairs had been newly ~ed, tangga itu baru sahaja dihampari; 2. cover, spread over, melitupi, meliputi: snow which ~ed the ground, salji yg melitupi bumi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bulgen 1. (irregular swelling) bonjol: the ~ in his pocket, bonjol pd sakunya; a ~ in the rug, bonjol pd hamparan; 2. sudden increase, pertambahan yg melambung: the population ~ after the war, pertambahan penduduk yg melambung selepas perang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fringen 1. (of hair) jambul: she wore her hair in a ~, rambutnya berjambul; 2. edging of hanging threads etc, rumbai, jumbai, umbai: the rug had a ~ at each end, hamparan itu berumbai pd setiap hujungnya; 3. outer edge, periphery, pinggir: a house on the ~ of the forest, sebuah rumah di pinggir hutan; an observer who was quite happy to stand on the ~ of the crowd, pemerhati yg cukup berpuas hati dgn berdiri di pinggir kumpulan orang ramai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hangingn 1. punishment by execution on the gallows, hukuman gantung: ~ was abolished at the turn of the century, hukuman gantung dihapuskan di penghujung abad itu; 2. act of hanging so., penggantungan: a public ~, penggantungan di khalayak ramai; 3. (usu in pl) cloth, drapery, etc hung on the wall, approp n + dinding: expensive ~s from India, hamparan dinding yg mahal dr India.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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