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hangat (adjektif)
1. Rujuk panas 1

2. Dalam konteks sambutan
bersinonim dengan meriah, baik,

3. Dalam konteks perdebatan
bersinonim dengan berkobar-kobar, berapi-api, bersemangat, hebat, genting, tegang, sengit, meruncing,

Kata Terbitan : hangat-hangat, berhangat, menghangat, menghangatkan, kehangatan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

warmadj 1. moderately hot, panas, (agak) hangat; (of water) suam, hangat: bathe the wound in ~ water, cuci luka itu dgn air suam; when the weather gets ~er we’ll go swimming, apabila cuaca beransur panas, kita akan pergi berenang; the soup is still ~, sup itu masih hangat; a fur coat kept her ~, kot bulu binatang membuat dia sentiasa hangat; it was cold outside, but inside the house was ~, sejuk di luar tetapi hangat di dlm rumah; 2. that preserves heat, panas: she dressed the children in their ~ clothes, dia memakaikan budak-budak itu pakaian panas mereka; 3. (of colour) rich, cerah: red and yellow are ~ colours, merah dan kuning ialah warna cerah; the ~ colours of the autumn leaves, warna cerah daun-daun pd musim luruh; 4. giving a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness or friendliness, mesra: he has a ~ voice, suaranya mesra;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hot3. angry, panas (hati): don’t get ~ over a silly argument, jangan naik panas krn pertengkaran bodoh itu; 4. excited, ardent, panas (berahi); 5. sexually exciting, seks yg hangat: they’ve cut out the ~test scenes in the film, mereka telah memotong adegan-adegan seks yg paling hangat dlm filem itu; 6. exciting, intense, hangat: the ~test part of the campaign, waktu yg paling hangat kempen itu; the battle for custody of the child grew ~ter, perebutan utk mendapatkan hak penjagaan kanak-kanak itu bertambah hangat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
burn3. be, feel hot, membahang, menjadi /panas, hangat/: his body ~ed with fever, badannya membahang krn demam; 4. feel sensation or pain, berasa /pedih, perit/: the ointment made my skin ~, salap itu membuat kulit saya berasa pedih; 5. be hurt, injured by fire or friction, melepuh, melecur; (by sun’s rays) terbakar, terselar: her skin ~s easily, kulitnya mudah terselar; 6. (in cooking) char, become scorched, hangus: the steak has ~t, stik itu sudah hangus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
temperature3. (fig.) of meeting, discussion, suasana: the ~ of the meeting rose sharply after this statement, suasana mesyuarat itu menjadi hangat selepas kenyataan itu dibuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
feelingn 1. sense of touch, deria /sentuh, rasa/: he has lost all ~ in his left hand, dia telah kehilangan deria rasa pd tangan kirinya; 2. physical sensation, rasa: a ~ of warmth, rasa hangat; 3. emotion, perasaan: jealousy is a ~ I’ve never experienced, rasa cemburu ialah perasaan yg belum pernah saya alami; ~ of (joy, sorrow, etc) rasa (gembira, sedih, dll); 4. (in pl) sensitivity, susceptibility, perasaan: to hurt so’s ~s, melukai perasaan sso; to suppress o’s ~s, menahan perasaan; 5. sympathy, understanding, (rasa) simpati: he showed no ~ for the sufferings of others, dia tdk menunjukkan rasa simpati thdp penderitaan orang lain;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
warmthn 1. moderate heat, kepanasan, kehangatan, panas, hangat: they sat outside enjoying the ~ of the sun, mereka duduk di luar menikmati panas matahari; we huddled together for ~, kami berapat-rapat utk mendapatkan kehangatan; 2. ability to maintain heat, kepanasan, kehangatan, memanaskan, menghangatkan: the thin sweater gives little ~, baju panas yg nipis ini kurang memanaskan; 3. friendly manner, kemesraan: her ~ encourages confidence, kemesraannya menggalakkan keyakinan diri; she won the child’s affection with her kindness and ~, dia menawan hati budak itu dgn kebaikan dan kemesraannya; 4. emotional intensity, kehangatan: many issues emerged in the ~ of the debate, banyak isu yg timbul dlm kehangatan perdebatan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
live 2 adj 1. alive, living, hidup: ~ snakes, ular-ular hidup; 2. not yet exploded, hidup: ~ bombs, bom-bom hidup; 3. (of coal, ember, etc) glowing or burning, hidup; 4. (of show, performance) di hadapan penonton, secara langsung: I attended Anita Sarawak’s first ~ performance, saya menghadiri persembahan Anita Sarawak yg pertama di hadapan penonton; 5. (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, secara /langsung, terus/: a ~ coverage of the Miss Universe constest, liputan secara terus pertandingan Miss Universe; 6. (of wire, electrical equipment, etc) charged with electricity, hidup: a ~ circuit, litar hidup; 7. of current interest, hangat: the nuclear threat is still very much a ~ issue, ancaman nuklear masih menjadi isu hangat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
receptionn 1. welcome, sambutan: the audience gave the pop singer a rapturous ~, para penonton memberi sambutan gegak-gempita kpd penyanyi pop itu; he received a warm ~ from his old friends, dia mendapat sambutan hangat drpd kawan-kawan lamanya; for the ~ of, utk menyambut; 2. reaction, sambutan, menyambut, menerima: his new book has had a mixed ~, buku barunya diterima dgn perasaan bercampur-baur; 3. perceiving of an idea etc, penerimaan: ~ theory, teori penerimaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
groupn 1. number of people or things considered as a unit, kumpulan, kelompok; (of animals, buildings, trees, etc) kelompok: a ~ of students gathered outside the hall, sekumpulan pelajar berkumpul di luar dewan; children in the same age ~, kanak-kanak dlm kumpulan umur yg sama; what blood ~ are you?, apakah kumpulan darah kamu?; Sanskrit belongs to the Indo-European ~ of languages, Sanskrit termasuk dlm kumpulan bahasa Indo-Eropah; we came upon a ~ of monkeys near the waterfall, kami terjumpa sekelompok monyet dekat dgn air terjun; 2. a number of musicians who perform together, kumpulan: the hottest rock ~ in the country, kumpulan rock yg paling hangat di negara ini; 3. (of business companies) kumpulan: the Sime Darby ~, kumpulan Sime Darby;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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