Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[in.sti.tut] | اينستيتوت

Definisi : organisasi yg ditubuhkan utk tugas tertentu spt pendidikan, penyelidikan saintifik, dll: I~ Tadbiran Awam; I~ Teknologi Mara. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[in.sti.tut] | اينستيتوت

Definisi : persatuan atau pertubuhan yg ditubuhkan utk tujuan tertentu (biasanya utk kemajuan pelajaran, kemahiran dsb): ~ Teknologi Mara; ~ Tadbiran Awam. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Bahasa Asal :Inggeris
Rujuk :organisasi

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

instituten 1. formal organization established for a special purpose, institut: the I~ of Architects, Institut Arkitek; MARA I~ of Technology, Institut Teknologi MARA; 2. building occupied by such an organization, (bangunan) institut: I asked her to wait for me outside the I~ of Accountants, saya menyuruh dia menunggu saya di luar bangunan Institut Akauntan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
researchn penyelidikan: scientific ~ on cancer, penyelidikan saintifik ttg kanser; he is engaged in ~ at the Institute, dia terlibat dlm penyelidikan di Institut itu; he is doing ~ into the Murut language, dia sedang membuat penyelidikan ttg bahasa Murut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
powerhousen 1. see POWER STATION; 2.(fig.) penjana: a higher institute of learning is a ~ of ideas, institut pengajian tinggi merupakan penjana idea.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endowvt 1. provide (usu institution) with permanent income, membiayai:he plans to ~ an institute for medical research, dia bercadang utk membiayai institut penyelidikan perubatan; 2. (usu pass.) furnish (person) with qualities, dikurniai, dianugerahi: she is ~ed with beauty and brains, dia dikurniai kecantikan dan kecerdikan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
study 2. pursuit of knowledge in some particular branch of learning, pengajian: the topic was outside his field of ~, tajuk itu di luar bidang pengajiannya; the Institute of Advanced Studies, Institut Pengajian Lanjutan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gathervt 1. cause to come together, mengumpulkan: he ~ed his men and began to attack the village, dia mengumpulkan orang-orangnya dan mula menyerang kampung itu; 2. collect gradually, accumulate, mengumpulkan: the institute is ~ing a pool of translators to work on the new project, institut itu sedang mengumpulkan penterjemah utk menjalankan projek baru itu; to ~ wealth, mengumpulkan kekayaan; he is ~ing material for a new novel, dia sedang mengumpulkan bahan utk sebuah novel baru; bees ~ nectar from flowers, lebah mengumpulkan madu drpd bunga; to ~ facts, mengumpulkan fakta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flounder2vi 1. move with difficulty, terkial-kial: the horses ~ed in the mud, kuda-kuda itu terkial-kial di dlm lumpur; I ~ed through the deep snow trying to find help, saya terkial-kial melalui salji yg dalam mencuba mendapatkan pertolongan; 2. behave awkwardly, hesitantly, gelabah: the unexpected query about my affair with Elizabeth left me ~ing for a moment, pertanyaan yg tdk diduga ttg hubungan saya dgn Elizabeth membuat saya gelabah sejenak; 3. be in difficulties, jatuh bangun: the institute continued to ~ in the wake of the economic cut-backs, institut itu terus jatuh bangun ekoran pemotongan kewangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
administrationn 1. act of, a. (managing affairs of, government, etc) pentadbiran: problems of ~, masalah pentadbiran; those responsible for the ~ of the country, mereka yg bertanggungjawab thdp pentadbiran negara; b. (executing, meting out) pelaksanaan: ~ of the law, pelaksanaan undang-undang; c. (giving, applying as remedy) pemberian: the immediate ~ of an anti dote is of the utmost importance, pemberian penawar racun dgn serta-merta amatlah penting; d. (tendering, imposing) pentadbiran; 2. governing body, pentadbiran: the head of ~ at the institute, ketua pentadbiran di institut itu; the Mahathir ~, pentadbiran Mahathir.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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