Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

dext(e)rousadj 1. skilful, deft, cekatan, tangkas: ~ fingers, jari-jari yg cekatan; a ~ worker, pekerja yg cekatan; 2. mentally adroit, cekatan, pandaiKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fingern 1. digit of the hand, jari; /index, first/ ~, (jari) telunjuk; middle ~, jari /hantu, tengah/; /fourth, ring /~, jari manis; little ~, (jari) kelengkeng; 2. st that resembles a finger, jalur(an): a ~ of sand, sejaluran pasir; a ~ of smoke, sejalur asap; /fish, chocolate /~, jejari /ikan, coklat/; 3. (of glove), (bahagian) jari; 4. (used as a unit of measurement) jari: two ~s of whisky, dua jari wiski;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sticky adj 1. gluey, lekit: a ~ substance like honey, sejenis bahan yg lekit spt madu; the child’s fingers are ~, jari-jari budak itu lekit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gum 1 ~ up; be ~med up, made sticky, lekit, melekat-lekat: my fingers were all ~med up when I finished sticking up the posters, jari-jari saya habis melekat-lekat selepas saya menampal poster-poster itu; ~ up the works, (colloq), (act.) menyebabkan sst terhenti; (pass.) sst terhenti: the project was running smoothly until the newly-appointed head ~med up the works, projek itu berjalan lancar sehingga ketua yg baru dilantik menyebabkan kerja terhenti.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sensationn 1. ability to feel, deria rasa: he had lost all ~ in the fingers of his right hand, dia telah kehilangan deria rasa pd jari-jari tangan kanannya; 2. feeling, impression, rasa, perasaan: do you get a ~ of pain when I press here?, adakah kamu mengalami rasa sakit apabila saya tekan di sini?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fleshyadj 1. a. having much flesh, berisi, berdaging: the ~ parts of the body, bahagian-bahagian badan yg berisi; b. fat, plump, tembam, montok: ~ fingers, jari-jari montok; 2. consisting of flesh, berisi: the adult male has a ~ lump at the end of its snout, jantan dewasa mempunyai bonggol yg berisi pd hujung muncungnya; 3. (of fruit) berisi; (of leaf) tebal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wigglen 1. small quick movement, bergoyang-goyang: she walked with a ~ of the hips, dia berjalan dgn punggungnya bergoyang-goyang; give a ~, bergerak-gerak: her toes gave a ~, jari-jari kakinya bergerak-gerak; 2. wave, berombak-ombak: the series of ~s on the chart indicates the sea, garis yg berombak-ombak pd carta itu menunjukkan laut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pinchvt 1. squeeze, a. (between forefinger and thumb) mencubit: she ~ed the little boy’s cheek playfully, dia mencubit pipi budak lelaki kecil itu secara main-main; b. (between pincers) menyepit: a crab ~ed her toes, ketam menyepit jari kakinya; c. (between two hard surfaces) tersepit: she had her finger ~ed in the cupboard door, jarinya tersepit pd pintu almari; 2. painfully squeeze or press due to lack of space, menggigit: these new shoes ~ my toes, kasut baru ini menggigit jari-jari kaki saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fatadj 1. excessively plump, gemuk, tambun, gedempol; (of animal) gemuk, tambun; (of cheek) tembam, montel; (of stomach) buncit; (of fingers) gemuk, tembam, montok: a ~ man, orang gemuk; the cattle are not ~ enough, lembu-lembu itu tdk cukup gemuk; ~ fingers, jari-jari gemuk; 2. containing much fat, banyak lemak: ~ mutton, daging kambing yg banyak lemak; 3. thick, substantial and well-filled, a. tebal: a ~ volume, jilid buku yg tebal; b. (fig.), [various translations]: he has a ~ bank account, dia mempunyai wang yg banyak di bank; a ~ wallet, dompet yg kembung dgn wang; a ~ larder, almari makanan yg penuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
toen 1. (digit on the foot) jari kaki: he stubbed his ~ on the doorstep, jari kakinya tersandung di muka pintu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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