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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata keras;


Anak enggang terbang sepuluh,
     Hinggap mari dahan berduri;
Sungguh keras buku buluh,
     Dimakan bubuk habis sekali.

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Keras ditakik,
     lunak disudu.

Bermaksud :

Perintah haruslah dilakukan dengan segala kebijaksanaan.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

obdurateadj (fml & derog) keras kepala, keras hati; (of leadership, determination, etc) keras: in spite of their pleas for clemency he remained ~, walaupun mereka merayu supaya dia menaruh rasa belas kasihan, dia tetap keras hati; his ~ determination to gain control, azamnya yg keras utk mendapat kuasa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
obstinacyn stubbornness, kedegilan, ketegaran, sifat /degil, keras kepala, keras hati, ketegar/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
obstinateadj 1. stubborn, degil, keras kepala, keras hati, ketegar: sometimes she can be so ~, kadang-kadang dia begitu degil; 2. not easily subdued, overcome, nekad: their ~ resistance to attack changed the course of the war, tentangan mereka yg nekad thdp serangan mengubah haluan peperangan itu; 3. (of disease, illness) resisting treatment, sukar sembuh; (of rash, sore) sukar baik: an ~ cold, selesema yg sukar sembuh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
obduracyn (fml & derog) sifat /keras kepala, keras hati/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hardadj 1. firm, unyielding, keras; (of body, muscle, etc) pejal, keras: the ground was ~ because of the drought, tanah itu keras akibat kemarau; a ~ mattress, tilam yg keras; ~ muscles, otot yg pejal; 2. severe, unkind, keras; (of words) kasar: his father was a ~ man, bapanya keras orangnya; be ~ on so., bersikap keras thdp sso; 3. forceful, kuat: a ~ blow on the head, pukulan yg kuat di kepala; 4. performing st with great intensity, persistence, etc, kuat: a ~ worker, orang yg kuat bekerja; a ~ drinker, orang yg kuat minum arak; a ~ smoker, orang yg kuat merokok; 5. requiring much effort, berat: ~ work, kerja yg berat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
severelyadv 1. harshly, sternly, dgn keras; (as is evident by o’s look) dgn pandangan yg keras: minor offences were ~ punished, kesalahan kecil dihukum dgn keras; the old woman glared at me ~, perempuan tua itu memandang saya dgn pandangan yg keras; 2. badly, teruk; (wounded, injured) parah: the car was ~ damaged, kereta itu rosak teruk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hardenedadj 1. solidified, sudah keras: ~ concrete, konkrit yg sudah keras; 2. made tough, unfeeling, bersikap keras; 3. resolute, sudah teguh; 4. callous, tdk berhati perut: a ~ criminal, penjenayah yg tdk berhati perut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
strong17. in concentration, pekat, keras: a cup of ~ black coffee, secawan kopi hitam yg keras; 18. (of smell, flavour, etc) kuat, keras: the lily has a ~ scent, bunga bakung itu kuat baunya; the child did not like the ~ taste of the cheese, budak itu tdk suka akan rasa kuat keju itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
sticky stiff adj 1. difficult to bend, not flexible, keras: a shirt with a ~ collar, kemeja yg keras kolarnya; my new boots are still ~, but baru saya masih keras;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
severityn 1. harshness, sternness, keras: the ~ of the punishment did not worry him, hukuman yg keras itu tdk membimbangkannya; he lost his patience and spoke to her with some ~, dia hilang sabar dan bercakap pd gadis itu dgn agak keras;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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