Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

thenjust ~, pd /saat, ketika/ itu: just ~ I heard a tremendous explosion, pd saat itu saya terdengar letupan yg sangat kuat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
thenadj (pd) /waktu, masa, ketika/ itu: the ~ Vice-Chancellor of the university, Naib Canselor universiti pd waktu itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
timeat that ~, (pd) /masa, waktu, ketika/ itu: the President at that ~ was Nixon, Presiden pd masa itu ialah Nixon;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
then~ and there, there and ~, pd /ketika, waktu, masa/ itu juga: when I explained the problem, he ~ and there offered his help, apabila saya menerangkan masalahnya, pd ketika itu juga dia menawarkan pertolongan; but ~, memang: his arreKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
thenadv 1. at that time, (pd) /waktu, masa, ketika/ itu: we were still at school ~, kami masih bersekolah pd waktu itu; we were away ~, pd waktu itu kami tdk ada; I hope we’re still alive ~, saya harap kita masih hKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
instantn precise moment, ketika: he arrived at the very ~, dia sampai pd ketika itu; an ~ later, sejurus kemudian; (at) the ~, sebaik sahaja: she screamed for help the ~ he let her go, dia menjerit meminta tolong sebaik sahaja lelaki itu melepaskannya; for an ~, buat seketika: for an ~ I thought he was going to kill her, buat seketika saya fikir dia hendak membunuh wanita itu; in an ~, a. within a very short space of time, dgn / sekelip, sekejap, sekedip/ mata: he was gone in an ~, dia menghilang dgn sekelip mata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
predominantadj 1. preponderant, greatest number, utama: Islam is the ~ religion in the country, agama Islam ialah agama yg utama di negara ini; green is the ~ colour of a peacock’s feathers, warna hijau ialah warna utama bulu burung merak; 2. having more power or influence, paling berpengaruh: Spain was the ~ power in Europe at the time, Sepanyol ialah kuasa yg paling berpengaruh di Eropah pd ketika itu; there can be no doubt as to who is the ~ partner, tdk dapat diragukan lagi ttg siapakah rakan kongsi yg paling berpengaruh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
poke~ /about, around, round/ in, (colloq) menyelongkar: they were poking about in one of the rooms when the police burst in, mereka sedang menyelongkar salah satu almari itu ketika polis menyerbu masuk; he ~d about in his pocket for the keys, dia menyelongkar sakunya utk mencari anak kunci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dawdle~ over, berlengah-lengah ketika: the child always ~s over his food, kanak-kanak itu suka berlengah-lengah ketika makan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
digvt 1. turn over (ground) using spade etc, menggali, mengorek: they dug the ground while it was still soft, mereka menggali tanah itu ketika tanah itu masih lembut; 2. make by digging, menggali, mengorek: to ~ a well, menggali perigi; 3. obtain by digging, menggali, mengorek: to ~ potatoes, menggali ubi kentang; 4. (sl & old-fashioned) appreciate, suka: he doesn’t ~ jazz, dia tak suka jaz;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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