Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : (konsép) 1. pengertian am atau idea yg mendasari sesuatu: ~ demokrasi tidak bererti kebebasan yg tidak terbatas; 2. rancangan (rencana, surat, dll), draf (surat dll), rang: ~ surat; berkonsepkan mempunyai sesuatu sbg konsep: rumah saya ~ seni bina timur dan barat. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : /konsép/ pendapat yg terbentuk dlm fikiran mengenai sesuatu; gagasan; tanggapan: ~ hidup mereka yg tidak mementingkan harta benda mesti diubah supaya kemajuan dpt dicapai. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
konsep (kata nama,)
Bahasa Asal :Inggeris
Bersinonim dengan pengertian, idea, pendapat, makna, rang, draf, rencana, tanggapan, gagasan, idea, teori, kepercayaan, landas, buram, rengrengan.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

aptbe ~ at, a. be quick at, cepat: he is ~ at understanding difficult concepts, dia cepat memahami konsep-konsep yg sukar; b. be skilful at, cekap: to be ~ at picking pockets, cekap menyeluk saku.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conceptn konsep: the ~ of Malaysia Incorporated, konsep Persyarikatan Malaysia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
outsideprep 1. on the outside of, not in or during, di luar: he stood ~ the gate until the taxi came, dia berdiri di luar pintu pagar sehingga teksi tiba; they were not allowed ~ the grounds, mereka tdk dibenarkan berada di luar kawasan itu; not many people ~ the community were aware of what was going on, tdk banyak orang di luar masyarakat itu menyedari apa yg sedang berlaku; ~ office hours, di luar waktu pejabat; 2. beyond, di luar: that topic is ~ the syllabus, topik itu di luar sukatan pelajaran; concepts that are ~ his understanding, konsep-konsep yg di luar pemahamannya; 3. other than, selain (drpd): he has few interests ~ his work, dia tiada mempunyai minat selain kerjanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
abstractadj abstrak, mujarad: an ~ concept, konsep abstrak; ~ art, seni abstrak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
emotiveadj emotif: the ~ use of language, penggunaan bahasa secara emotif; an ~ concept of art, konsep seni yg emotif; the ~ side of her nature, bahagian sifatnya yg emotif.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
abstractionn 1. act of a. (separating, removing), pemisahan: the ~ of metal from ore, pemisahan logam drpd bijih; b. (regarding st abstractly), mengabstrakkan; 2. visionary idea, /konsep, idea/ yg abstrak: justice is an ~, keadilan adalah suatu konsep yg abstrak; 3. absent-mindedness, (keadaan) spt memikirkan sst yg lain; 4. abstract work of art, karya abstrak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lay 3 adj 1. not belonging to the clergy, bukan paderi: the ~ members of the church, ahli-ahli bukan paderi di gereja itu; 2. non-professional, amateur, orang awam: for the ~ mind, such a concept is difficult to comprehend, pd fikiran orang awam, konsep yg sedemikian sukar difahami.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lay 3 adj 1. not belonging to the clergy, bukan paderi: the ~ members of the church, ahli-ahli bukan paderi di gereja itu; 2. non-professional, amateur, orang awam: for the ~ mind, such a concept is difficult to comprehend, pd fikiran orang awam, konsep yg sedemikian sukar difahami.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
permeatevi; ~ through, a. pass through, (of liquid) meresap melalui; (of smell) merebak di seluruh: rain water had ~d through the cracks in the roof, air hujan meresap melalui rekahan pd bumbung itu; the smell of freshly-baked bread ~d through the shop, bau harum roti yg baru dimasak merebak di seluruh kedai itu; b. (fig.), (of idea, feeling, etc) meresapi, meresap ke dlm: some new concepts take time to ~ through society, sesetengah konsep baru memerlukan masa utk meresap ke dlm masyarakat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
permeatevi; ~ through, a. pass through, (of liquid) meresap melalui; (of smell) merebak di seluruh: rain water had ~d through the cracks in the roof, air hujan meresap melalui rekahan pd bumbung itu; the smell of freshly-baked bread ~d through the shop, bau harum roti yg baru dimasak merebak di seluruh kedai itu; b. (fig.), (of idea, feeling, etc) meresapi, meresap ke dlm: some new concepts take time to ~ through society, sesetengah konsep baru memerlukan masa utk meresap ke dlm masyarakat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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